International Arctic School Winter 2022 at Harbin Institute of Technology

Tue, Jan 04, 2022 - Sun, Jan 09, 2022

Arctic School Winter 2022 hosted by Harbin Institute of Technology will take place online on January 4-9, 2022, and provide online courses to students in China and around the world. The IAS-HIT-eWinter2022 is free for all students. 

Application deadline: 31 December 2021
Dates: 4-9 January 2022
Host Venue: HIT Web Online
Theme: POPs and Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern (CEACs) in the Arctic under Climate Change

Once in the environment, POPs and CEACs disperse into air, water, soils and sediments in the Arctic, and can be taken up by Arctic biota. Many of the processes that determine the environmental fate of POPs and CEACs and their potential for uptake and bioaccumulation in food webs can be influenced by climate change.

As young generations and future elites in different disciplines and fields from China and the eight Arctic countries, our goals on the Arctic are to understand, protect, develop and participate in the governance of the Arctic. To understand human health in the Arctic is the important step to reach the goal.

Sponsored by the International Program Office, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), The 2022 Winter School will be held on-line by the International Arctic School, HIT (IAS-HIT) on the topic of “POPs and Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern (CEACs) in the Arctic under Climate Change” during Jan 4-9, 2022.

The teachers of the IAS-HIT-eWinter 2022 will come from the Arctic countries and China, and students will be from China and other countries worldwide, the 8 Arctic countries in particular.

The IAS-HIT is a subsidiary body of UArctic-HIT Training Centre, the first UArctic regional center outside the eight Arctic countries.

For more information see the announcement flyer or visit the website:

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