Privacy Policy

Any questions regarding this policy and our privacy practices should be sent by email to

How do we collect information from you?

UArctic members inform us of their relevant contact persons when applying for membership, or whenever that contact information changes. This contact information is maintained by the UArctic International Secretariat, based at the University of Lapland.

Subscribers to our email newsletter agree to receive regular updates from UArctic's news by signing up at Subscribers can manage their subscription settings or unsubscribe at any time using the links in the newsletter message.

Donor information is collected via online donation forms and Deeds of Gift, and maintained by the UArctic fundraising team. 

What type of information is collected from you?

UArctic collects and maintains names, email addresses, institutional affiliations and titles for relevant contact persons at its member institutions. These institutional contacts include, but are not limited to:

  • Assembly member representatives and heads of institution
  • International Studies contacts and north2north coordinators
  • Leaders and members of UArctic Thematic Networks

We maintain email addresses and names (if provided) for subscribers to the UArctic Newsletter.

We maintain donor information including contact details, consent and communication preferences, and data on past donations. UArctic does not store donors' credit card information. 

How is your information used?

UArctic uses the contact information for communicating about UArctic-relevant activities. By providing names and email addresses to UArctic for these contact persons, our members accept these terms.

We may use your information to:

  • Communicate about news, information and events relevant to members of UArctic and email newsletter subscribers.
  • Share institutional contact information on the member profile pages of the UArctic website.
  • Process membership fee payments.
  • Update and maintain relevant institutional member information.
  • Conduct the business of the Assembly of UArctic.
  • Send you communications which you have requested and that may be of interest to you.

Donor information may be used for sharing updates, informing about new campaigns, and maintaining donor relationships. 

Who has access to your information?

As UArctic's administrative functions are shared between several member institutions, it is necessary for relevant UArctic staff at these institutions to have access to our contact data. However, this information is only used for UArctic-related purposes (defined above) and not shared beyond those who have administrative roles in UArctic.

We may share your personal information to third parties where required by law, where necessary to administer the relationship with you, or where we have another legitimate interest in doing so. Third parties may include service providers, consultants and other professional advisers, fundraising volunteers, and other individuals and entities working closely with us. They are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information in line with our policies, and only use the data for specified UArctic purposes. 

Third party service providers working on our behalf as trusted data processors:

How you can access, update or remove your information

You can request to see your personal information that we maintain, or have it updated or removed at any time by contacting Please note, however, that institutional contacts are provided as a condition of UArctic membership.

Security precautions in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of your information

Personal data maintained by UArctic (beyond what is shared publicly on the UArctic website) is accessible only to designated staff at member institutions who have relevant administrative roles in the organization. The data is accessible only with individual password-protected accounts.

Use of cookies

The UArctic website uses cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. See the full policy on use of cookies at

Review of this policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review. This policy was last updated in June 2024. By continuing to use the UArctic website and information services, you agree to the terms under this policy.