UArctic Institute for Arctic Policy

UArctic Institute for Arctic Policy

The UArctic Institute for Arctic Policy (IAP) is a collaboration between the University of the Arctic, Dartmouth College, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The IAP office at Dartmouth is at the Institute of Arctic Studies at the Dickey Center for International Understanding in Hanover, NH. IAP is a forum that brings together representatives of governments, non-governmental organizations, indigenous peoples, and scientists in order to discuss and identify critical issues related to the circumpolar north and its peoples. IAP helps develop the agenda for governments to address pressing policy issues.


The IAP mission is to advance the objectives of the UArctic Strategic Plan by promoting discussion and analysis of critical issues facing the region and its people and to provide appropriate educational opportunities and policy advice as northern peoples face the challenges resulting from climate change and other issues.

IAP aims to raise public and private understanding of the policy implications resulting from circumpolar climate change and its human dimensions. IAP sponsors annual conferences on aspects of climate change requiring policy attention (see conference list below). These conferences bring together representatives of governments, the academy, non-governmental groups, and indigenous peoples to discuss issues, identify and prioritize policy-related research requirements, and help develop agendas for governments to address pressing policy issues.


Conferences and workshops

The IAP brings together a wide range of stakeholders to help address policy issues critical to the Arctic.

Other Information

More information and past activities can be found here.

Video interview: Mike Sfraga and Ross A. Virginia, Leads of the Institute for Arctic Policy