12th National Seminar on Snow

Thursday, October 31, 2024

12:00-12:15  Opening

Leena Leppänen and Sirpa Rasmus, Arctic Centre
Nicolas Gunslay, Chief Executive Producer, Science Centre Exhibition, Arctic Centre

12:15-13:50 Session: Arkinen ja arktinen lumi (Everyday snow, Arctic snow)
Chair: Leena Leppänen, Arctic Centre & Finnish Meteorological Institute

12:15-12:35 The snow garden as a unique space for human–nature relations, Hannah Strauss- Mazzullo, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland

12:35-12:50 Lumitilaopas - ohjeet parempaan talveen, Eeva Huuhtanen, Navico Oy

12:50-13:05 Hydrological monitoring of snow at Syke -present status and recent activities, Kati Anttila, Finnish Environment Institute

13:05-13:20 Lumenkaatopaikan lumensulamisvesien käsittely, Heini Postila, Oulun yliopisto

13:20-13:35 Remote: The new inland cryosphere project and its snow activities, Mikko Strahlendorff, Finnish Meteorological Institute

13:35-13:50 Citizen observations on lake/river ice and snow conditions in reindeer winter survival related data gathering, Timo Pyhälahti, Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)

13:50-14:20 Coffee break and Opening of the snow measurement season

14:20-15:50 Session: FPCUP – Snow Load
Chair: Kati Anttila, Finnish Environment Institute

14:20-14:40 Copernicus FPCUP Project, Ali Nadir Arslan, Finnish Meteorological Institute

14:40-14:55 Remote: Changes in extreme snow load in Europe associated with global warming levels, Guillaume Evin, INRAE / IGE

14:55-15:15 Snow load information systems for Uusimaa in Finland and Lombardi in Italy, Ali Nadir Arslan, Finnish Meteorological Institute

15:15-15:30 Remote: Estimation of snow load data using Copernicus and in-situ data, Elisa Kamir, CNRS (France)

15:30-15:50 A snow load information system for Bavaria (Germany), Penelope Gehring, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)

15:50-16:00 Break

16:00-17:35 Session: Snow & Art
Chair: Juulia Tikkanen, Arctic Centre

16:00-17:00 Keynote: Lumen tunne, Antti Autti

17:00-17:25 Farewell to Snow – Documentary Short Film Trilogy, Sanni Priha, Film Director

17:25-17:35 Exploring snow science in the Arktikum Science Centre, Philip Burgess, Arctic Centre

17:35-18:00 Posters

18:00- Dinner for registered participants

Friday, November 1, 2024

9:00-10:15 Session: Snow, ice and water
Chair: Pertti Ala-aho, University of Oulu

9:00-9:15 Results of the Metadata survey in in-situ snow and sea ice data in Polar region, Ali Nadir Arslan, Finnish Meteorological Institute

9:15-9:30 Novel Approach to Spatiotemporal Analysis of Snow Cover Pattern using ERA 5 Dataset Over Finland, Ramin Faal, University of Oulu

9:30-9:45 UAV-based observations of albedo and HDRF over snow-covered boreal landscape in Sodankylä, Finland, Henna-Reetta Hannula, Finnish Meteorological Institute

9:46-10:00 Measuring lake ice thickness with SIMBA, Ella Rantalainen, Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)

10:00-10:15 Puhdasta lunta vai sulaa vettä? Arktis-biopoliittinen tulkinta eläinten hyvinvointilakiin, Heli Koskinen

10:15-10:45 Coffee break and posters

10:45-11:50 Session: Snow and adaptation in the changing climate
Chair: Sirpa Rasmus, Arctic Centre

10:45-11:05 Moottorikelkka lumisen maisemasuhteen rakentajana, Tapio Nykänen, University of Oulu

11:05-11:20 Estimating climate change impacts on breeding habitat of the endangered Saimaa ringed seal through lake ice and snow modelling, Juho Jakkila, Finnish Environment Institute

11:20-11:35 Kun talvi ei ole enää talvi: lumen muistot, merkitykset ja lumimuutokseen kytkeytyvä ekosuru, Inkeri Markkula, Arktinen keskus

11:35-11:50 Towards more sustainable snowmaking - the SnowApp climate service as a decision-support tool for winter tourism industry, Ilona Mettiäinen, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland

11:50-12:00 Break

12:00-13:15 Session: Snow news
Chair: Anna Kontu, Finnish Meteorological Institute

12:00-12:15 Recent activities related to snow and aerosols research at Pallas, Svalbard, Iceland, Greenland and Alps, Outi Meinander, Finnish Meteorological Institute

12:15-12:30 Near-Real-Time Monitoring of Northern Lake Ice, Kirsikka Heinilä, Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)

12:30-12:45 Ilmatieteen laitoksen lumivyöryennusteet 2024, Kaisa Landon, Ilmatieteen laitos

12:45-13:00 New snow and ice monitoring and research infrastructure for Northern Finland established in the CRYO-RI project, Pertti Ala-aho, University of Oulu

13:00-13:15 UArctic Thematic Network: Nordic Snow Network, Ali Nadir Arslan, Finnish Meteorological Institute

13:15 Closing

The seminar is organized together with UArctic Thematic Network Nordic Snow Network and Copernicus FPCUP SnowLoad Action.

Photo: Jenni Katermaa