Participation, Representation and Role


Appointed individuals from member institutions and organizations form the Assembly of UArctic. The Assembly functions as the member forum for consultation, cooperation and for the implementation of UArctic programs through the member institutions.

All members may participate in and lead the development and delivery of UArctic program activities.

Representation on the Assembly of UArctic

All members can appoint two persons to represent their institution on the Assembly of UArctic.

All members have equal rights of representation on the Assembly, with each member having one primary and one alternate representative. Each member is entitled to develop its own procedures for selecting its representatives on the Assembly. We recommend that all UArctic members appoint two representative to ensure smooth communications.

All members have equal nomination and voting rights.

Role of Assembly Representatives

The main role of an Assembly representative is to promote UArctic and its activities within their respective home institutions. Member representatives also have a responsibility to:

  • Identify the needs and potential for greater UArctic involvement;
  • Facilitate the expansion of UArctic contacts and networking;
  • Ensure that key UArctic messages and requests (e.g. nomination calls, notices for membership fee payment) are followed up at the institution;
  • Communicate decisions and announcements to home institution;
  • Make decisions on behalf of home institution at annual meetings of the Assembly; and
  • Participate in UArctic’s governance through elected positions (Officers, Committee Chairs and members, etc.)

We have created a helpful one-pager for Assembly Representatives. Also, when transferring your role to another person, please make sure to follow our Succession Planning Guide.