The International PhD School for the Study of Arctic Societies (IPSSAS) invites Ph.D. students to submit their applications to the IPSSAS SEMINAR 2007 under the theme of “Living Communities. New Perspectives on Inuit Urban Life” to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from May 21 to May 31, 2007.
In addition to sharing and discussing collectively their own research topics and experiences in the domains of the history, culture and language of Arctic societies, participants will have the unique chance to gain new knowledge on the theme of the seminar through exchanges with invited faculty, presentations and meetings with guests from Denmark and Greenland, as well as visits to Arctic/Greenlandic institutions and organizations in the Copenhagen area.
For more details, consult the IPSSAS registration webpage or contact Ass. Professor Søren T. Thuesen, Eskimology and Arctic Studies, University of Copenhagen at
The deadline for applications is February 15, 2007.