The office will coordinate the UArctic IPY Education Outreach Cluster of 18 projects. In her new position Dr. Sparrow also will serve on Pomot (the Senior Management Group) and thus on Ofelas (a standing committee of the UArctic Council), and on the UAF IPY Steering Committee.
At UAF, she is also Director of Education and Outreach at the International Arctic Research Center and the Center for Global Change, and a Research Associate Professor of Soil Microbiology at the School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences. Her research interests include climate change, nutrient cycling, soil microbial ecology and science education.
She leads an IPY UAF education outreach project “Seasons and Biomes”, a globally expanded version of the IPY approved project Arctic Phenology Research and Education Network (APREN, Expression of Intent ID# 278) under the UArctic IPY Education Outreach Cluster.