An open meeting of the Ny-Alesund Science Managers Committee (Ny-SMAC) on the International Arctic Research and Monitoring Facility in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 will be held on 16-18 October 2007 in Cambridge, UK.

The annual Arctic AAAS Division meeting will be held in Anchorage, Alaska from 24-26 September 2007. This year's conference theme is "Partnering for Northern Futures: Science, Policy, Education, Legacy In the International Polar Year."

A one-year research position in law related to the effects of climate variability and change on the development of land use rights in the context of customary and sidae rights is available.

The Geological Society of Norway (NGF), in cooperation with the European Association of Goescientists and Engineers (EAGE) will organise the Arctic Conference Days in Tromsø, Norway, from September 3 to 7, 2007.