This year the Symposium provides a forum for truly interdisciplinary interaction and exchange of knowledge related to ethical questions in the research of children and elderly people, environmental and climate change as well as culture, language and society. Participants representing various fields are warmly welcome!
And don’t forget the Pre-conference course preceding the Symposium! This year the topic of the research training course is “Climate change, global change and the media” and it will be organised November 18-19, 2008, in the Kastelli Research Centre.
Please find the 1st Announcement and Invitation here.
Call for Abstracts
The 6th International Kastelli Symposium Organizing Committee invites abstract submission for both oral and poster presentations to fill the 4 multidisciplinary topical sessions offered within the scientific program.
Abstracts are being accepted until November 1st, 2008. Abstract submission guidelines are available at the Symposium website
On-line registration for the Symposium and the Pre-conference course opens on the Symposium website October 1st, 2008.
Visit the Symposium website
Symposium programme and other additional information on the Symposium, Pre-conference course, abstract submission and hotels & venue are available on the 6th International Kastelli Symposium website at
Please post and circulate this announcement among your national and international networks. A flyer can be found attached.
We hope to see you in the 6th International Kastelli Symposium at November!
On the behalf of the Kastelli Symposium Organizing Committee with best regards,
Johanna Issakainen
Johanna Issakainen, MSc
Project planner
Centre for Arctic Medicine at Thule Institute
P.O.Box 5000, 90014 University of Oulu
tel. +358 8537 6209 , +358 40 8294285
fax. +358 537 6203
1st Announcement and invitation, 6th International Kastelli Symposium
Thu, Sep 25, 2008