The results of the two assessments on human health effects of environmental contaminants during the past 6 years will be presented and discussed, engaging health professionals, indigenous and local people, scientists, policy-makers, and young scientists. Local indigenous perspectives on contaminants and health will be addressed, as well as human exposure to environmental contaminants, health effects studies, plus risk-benefit assessment, and communication.
Participants are also invited to submit abstracts for poster presentations and will be given the opportunity for short oral plenary presentations of these. Proposals for poster sessions should be submitted in the form of an abstract (max 300 words) no later than Friday, 1 May 2009.
To (provisionally) register your interest in attending the symposium, to submit an abstract, or for further information please contact:
Tara Leech
Health Canada
Phone: 613-960-1789
Fax: 613-948-8485
Please visit the conference website.
NCP / AMAP Symposium on Human Health and Arctic Environmental Contaminants
Tue, Mar 31, 2009