“On behalf of the Inuit of Canada I applaud our Governor General for her public support of traditional Inuit culture and practices by her respectful and genuine willingness during her visit to Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, to help skin a seal and to eat some of the seal meat, which is a significant activity and nutritious food source for Inuit. To us, this kind gesture is an acknowledgement by the Governor General of our culture and our dependence upon our wildlife as an important resource for our communities today. The reaction to this gesture of support has been phenomenal.
I want to state clearly that hunting, preparing, and eating seal meat is a normal part of our lives, just like we do with other wildlife such as caribou and arctic char. We have hunted seals and other Arctic wildlife for thousands of years, and we will continue to do so. Hunting and eating a seal is not a political act, nor is it “bizarre” or “disgusting” as the anti-sealing lobby have commented. It is a human act that has been in practice thousands of years before any anti-sealing lobby group came around to denigrate it. The public has to wrap its head around the fact that the anti-sealing and animal rights groups are responsible for turning seal hunting and seal consumption into a politicized and controversial topic and all for their own ideological thinking and financial interests.
To her benefit and in honour of her spirit and courage, Inuit of Canada wish to thank her Excellency Michaëlle Jean for her support of our people and culture."
Just recently, Governor General Jean expressed the need for a Canadian Inuit University. The article can be found here.
ITK Statement
Thu, May 28, 2009