With the support of IPY Canada, ArcticNet, and the Northern Research Forum, the Symposium will bring together Arctic and Antarctic early career researchers from across the world with experts to build skills, knowledge, and networks. The workshop is based around seven themes:

* Community-based research;
* Funding your ideas;
* Working with policy makers;
* Communicating your science;
* How do I get started in science?
* Data management;
* and Time management & work/life balance

The training sessions will give concrete and useful advice, insight, and skills to help early career researchers meet the demands of polar science. The Symposium will also provide an unmatched opportunity to meet and collaborate with fellow early career researchers, and build the networks
that will strengthen polar research in the future.

Lodging and food will be included and travel support will be available. Registration will be capped at 120 participants. Please visit the workshop website at www.apecs.is/victoria09 for more information and to register for future information packages and application forms.

Thanks and we hope to see you in Victoria!
The Symposium Planning Committee

Benjamin Beall, Ph.D.
Department of Biology
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B7
Email: bbeall2@uwo.ca
Phone: (519) 661 2111 x. 86470 (lab) x. 80293 (office)
Fax: (519) 661 3935
Vice-President, Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)