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- International Forum on Polar Data Activities in Global Data Systems
International Forum on Polar Data Activities in Global Data Systems
Thu, Jun 20, 2013
Date: 15–16 October 2013
Venue: “National Museum of Nature and Science” in Tokyo
To manage the considerable data legacy of the International Polar
Year (IPY), National Antarctic Data Centres under SCAR initiated several
dedicated data-services. To construct an effective framework for
long-term stewardship, data must be made available promptly, and
adequate technologies should be employed (e.g., a repository service,
such as the Polar Information Commons (PIC)). In addition to activities
conducted within the communities of SCAR and the International Arctic
Science Committee (IASC), stronger links must be established in the
post-IPY era with other crosscutting scientific data-management bodies
under the umbrella of the International Council for science (ICSU),
namely, the Committee on Data for Science and Technology and the World
Data System (ICSU-WDS). To this end, SCAR’s Standing Committee on
Antarctic Data Management (SCADM), the WDS Scientific Committee, and
IASC are planning a Joint International Forum on “Polar Data Activities
in Global Data Systems”.
The Forum will address effective polar data management, including submission of metadata and data, sharing of data to facilitate new interdisciplinary science, and long-term preservation and stewardship of data at the international level. To ensure the IPY data legacy, presentations on the successes and challenges encountered during IPY will highlight not only the best practices but also the shortcomings. This event is open to all scientific disciplines, and interdisciplinary data management topics are especially encouraged. A significant outcome of the Forum will be the development of a new strategy and structure for the Arctic Data Network under the auspices of SAON, IASC, and the Arctic Council. Discussions involving the different communities will provide a strong foundation to forge interdisciplinary connections and explore new horizons for polar data management. In particular, an updated plan for polar data archives, including as the PIC cloud system, will be discussed.
Important Dates:
Registration opens 1 July 2013
Abstract submission deadline 30 July 2013
Hotel reservation deadline 15 Sept 2013
Registration closes 30 Sept 2013
For more information, please see the event website.