The conference will gather together international and Russian experts,
including those from foreign scientific centers, federal universities,
the University of the Arctic, partner UNESCO chairs and institutes, as
well as the representatives from the Headquarters of UNESCO (Paris) and
the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO (Moscow).
The conference will include two plenary and four breakout sessions:
Plenary session I. Social and Human Adaptation of the Arctic Regions to Climate Change and Globalization.
Session 1: Issues of Climate Change and Globalization;
Session 2: Issues of Social and Human Adaptation to Extreme Natural and Climatic Conditions of the Arctic;
Session 3: Social and Economic Development of the Arctic;
Session 4: Monitoring of the Biological Resources of the Arctic in the Concept of Climate Change.
Plenary session II. (Closing): Proposals, discussion, adoption of the Conference resolution.
Contact person:
Anatoly N. Sleptsov, UNESCO Chairholder at NEFU, +7(924) 563-66-17
International Research-to-Practice Conference Social and Human Adaptation of the Arctic Regions to Climate Change and Globalization, 25-26 November, Yakutsk
Tue, Apr 29, 2014
North-Eastern Federal University is pleased to announce an International Research-to-Practice Conference “Social and Human Adaptation of the Arctic Regions to Climate Change and Globalization” on November 25-26, 2014, in Yakutsk, Russia. The aim of the conference is to present the results of research and educational activity on “Social and Human Adaptation of the Arctic Regions to Climate Change and Globalization”, to analyze the legislative framework and international practice, and to share innovative and practical experience.