More information is expected to be published in the third quarter of 2015.
The following information, including which topics may be addressed in this call, is subject to change.
Proposals may address the following topics:
•SC5-1-2016 demonstration of climate services;
•SC5-3-2016 climate services market research;
•SC5-5-2016 a 1.5 million year look into the past for improving climate predictions;
•SC5-6-2016 pathways towards the decarbonisation and resillience of the European economy in the timeframe 2030-2050 and beyond, including SC5-6a-2016 managing technology and transition and SC5-6b-2016 assessment of the global mitigation efforts in the perspective of the long-term climate goal;
•SC5-8-2016 demonstrating innovative nature-based solutions for climate and water resilience in cities;
•SC5-9-2016 new governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with nature-based solutions – urban re-naturing;
•SC5-11-2016 insurance value of ecosystems;
•SC5-12-2016 multi-stakeholder dialogue platform to promote innovation with nature to address societal challenges;
•SC5-13-2016 supporting international cooperation activities on water;
•SC5-14-2016 food systems and water resources for the development of inclusive, sustainable and healthy Euro-Mediterranean societies;
•SC5-15-2016 new solutions for sustainable production of raw materials, including SC5-15b-2016 sustainable selective low impact mining and SC5-15c-2016 new technologies for the enhanced recovery of by-products;
•SC5-16-2016 raw materials innovation actions, including SC5-16a-2016 intelligent mining;
•SC5-17-2016 raw materials policy support actions, including SC5-17a-2016 public awareness, acceptance and trust in mining and SC5-17b-2016 support to standardisation for recovery of critical raw materials from specific types of waste;
•SC5-18-2016 raw materials international cooperation, including SC5-18a-2016 demand-supply forecast and raw materials flows at global level and SC5-18b-2016 international network of raw materials training centres;
•SC5-19-2016 ERA-NET co-fund on raw materials;
•SC5-22-2016 European data hub of the GEOSS information system;
•SC5-23-2016 cultural heritage as a driver for sustainable growth;
•SC5-26-2016 support to confirmed presidency events;
•SC5-27 2016 macro-economic and societal benefits from creating new markets in a circular economy;
•SC5-29-2016 preparing for pre-commercial procurement or public procurement of innovative solutions in support of climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials;
•SC5-30-2016 designing and implementing inducement prizes for climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials;
•SC5-31-2016 framework partnership agreement supporting joint action towards a sustainable green economy in Europe and beyond.
Proposals must take the form of research and innovation actions, coordination and support actions, innovation actions, ERA-net co-fund or a framework partnership agreement, depending on the topic. Research and innovation actions, innovation actions, ERA-net co-fund and framework partnership agreements require participation by at least three legal entities, each established in a different EU member state or associated country.
More information about the Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials Challenge.
When the call is open, it will be published at the H2020 Participant Portal Calls for Proposals.