Conference topics:
- problems of natural resource management and geo-ecology in the northern territories;
- innovative and technological development of the Arctic regions: energy and mineral resources and transport;
- environmental safety and environmental damage evaluation in the northern territories, economic aspects of natural resource management and national economic projects in the Arctic regions;
- preservation of the traditional way of life and economic activities of the peoples of the Arctic;
- biodiversity and rational use of biological resources of the Arctic region;
- environment and health of the population of the Arctic territories;
- interdisciplinary approach to the study of natural resource management: historical and current experience;
- nature reserves: challenges and prospects;
- recreational potential of the northern territories and tourism development prospects;
- Arctic settlements, new technologies in land-use planning;
- environmental education and fostering natural resource management culture.
During the Conference we will discuss research activities of the 2nd Yakut complex scientific expedition in partnership with the Russian Academy of Science Yakutia – the Region of New Development. In conjunction with the Conference, republican round tables to discuss the plans and projects of the 2nd Yakut complex scientific expedition will be held.
Aim of the Conference: review of the results of the study of current directions and prospects of science development, as well as making recommendations for scientific and methodological support of the study of the Arctic territories under the interaction of individual states and regions in the current context.
Conference and publication working languages: Russian, English.
Interested researchers, professionals, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, university professors, postgraduate students and students are invited to participate in the Conference.
The following excursions will be arranged for non-resident participants: to the Spasskaya Pad international scientific station, the Lena Pillars National Nature Park, the alas territories of the Lena-Amga interfluve, the federal cryoreservoir of seeds, and the permafrost underground laboratory and mine. Non-resident participants will be able to visit and see the autumn ecosystems of the region, including the unique ones.
More information is available in the Conference information letter.
Sponsors of the research-to-practice conference are the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, the Yakut Scientific Center SB RAS, the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the Institute of Geography RAS.