Proposals may address the following topics:
•heating and cooling, including EE-1-2017 waste heat recovery from urban facilities and re-use to increase energy efficiency of district or individual heating and cooling systems, and EE-4-2017 new heating and cooling solutions using low grade sources of thermal energy;
•engaging consumers towards sustainable energy, including EE-7-2017 behavioural change toward energy efficiency through ICT;
•buildings, including EE-12-2017 integration of demand response in energy management systems while ensuring interoperability through public private partnership;
•industry, services and products, including EE-17-2017 valorisation of waste heat in industrial systems, and EE-20-2017 bringing to market more energy efficient and integrated data centres.
Proposals must take the form of research and innovation actions or innovation actions, depending on the topic. Research and innovation actions and innovation actions require participation by at least three legal entities, each established in a different EU member state or associated country. All H2020 funding calls allow third country partners who secure their own funding to participate in consortia.
Each successful proposal is expected to receive between €1 million and €5m although proposals for other amounts will also be considered. The total indicative budget for this call is €46m.
See the Call in Participant Portal.