The professorship as such is a new one at the university, the UArctic Vice President of Research position has been at the University since 2014. The Professor of Arctic Research will have half of the position at one of the University’s faculties (at the most relevant one depending on his/her expertise) and the other half at the Thule Institute, where he/she will be leading the UArctic Thematic Networks and the Research Liaison offices.
More information about the position and the application and selection procedures at the University of Oulu's Saima recruitment system.
Applications, including attachments, should be submitted using the electronic application form by September 2, 2016.
For further information about the application and selection procedures, please contact:
Vice Rector Research Taina Pihlajaniemi
University of Oulu
Tel. +358 294 48 5800
President Lars Kullerud
The University of the Arctic
tel: +47 9087 0099