The aim of the project is to identify policies and practices that have been aimed for improved labour market integration for immigrant women in three small and medium-sized cities in Finland, Iceland and Sweden. The researchers are also identifying and analyzing success factors and challenges in those policies and practices, based on the experiences by actors in charge of the labour market program/support, as well as on the experiences by women who have taken part in them.
The study is funded by the Nordic Gender Institute (NIKK). The project is coordinated by the University of Akureyri, and it is conducted in collaboration with the Arctic Centre and Nordregio. At the Arctic Centre the study is led by Professor Timo Koivurova and executed by PhD Candidate Nafisa Yeasmin.
More information:
Nafisa Yeasmin
PhD Candidate, Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Migration
Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
+358 40 484 4256,