Sixteenth International Scientific Conference for Students and Post-graduates “Problems of the Arctic Region” is devoted to scientific, environmental, technical, economic, and social aspects of the development of the Arctic. The conference program includes the following sessions:
- Biology and medicine
- Chemistry and technologies
- Ecology of the north
- Economical problems of arctic development
- Education in the arctic region
- Geology and geophysics of the arctic region
- Humanitarian and social problems
- Hydrobiology
- Information technologies and
- Mathematical methods
- Marine biology
- Problems of physics.
Students and post-graduates interested in participating in the Conference are welcome to send their registration forms and papers to the Steering Committee until 21 April 2016.
The conference is organized by Polar Geophysical Institute, Murmansk Arctic State University, Murmansk State Technical University and Murmansk Marine Biological Institute KRS RAS.
You will find more information here.