The main idea of this first project meeting was to introduce current research activities of seminar participants and identify topics of mutual interest for further cooperation development. Representatives from four British (University of Aberdeen, Durham University, University of Liverpool, University of Cambridge) and three Russian (Northern (Arctic) Federal University, European University at St. Petersburg, Saint Petersburg University) educational institutions shared their ideas and suggestions towards possible joint projects and research. The thematic scope of presentations done was rather wide and multidisciplinary: from climate change and functioning of Arctic ecosystems to access to health care services in remote places and peoples’ perceptions of the Northern Sea Route. The seminar participants underlined that “comprehensive understanding of the Arctic is impossible without close collaboration of nature, social scientists and engineering specialists”
The more focused second project meeting will take place in Arkhangelsk late November.
The project is funded by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, the UK Embassy in Russia and implemented by the UArctic Research Office, NArFU.
For more details please contact UArctic Research Office.
Contact person: Olga Klisheva,