1. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship: Water Cycle Dynamics and Cryospheric Sciences, University of Bergen, Norway
Application deadline: Sunday, 24 September 2017
The successful candidate will work with the SNOWPACE project which aims to identify where moisture sources for the Norwegian winter snow pack are located and how variable they are. Duties of this position will include a combination of laboratory and field measurements from ship, stations, and surface snow transects and the development and use of advanced isotope-enabled atmospheric models for interpretation. In order to contribute to the larger aim of using stable isotopes to constrain the water cycle in atmospheric models, applicants should have a relevant background in the fields of stable isotope analysis and modeling, meteorology, climate, hydrology, glaciology, physics, or numerics.
Applicants must have completed a doctoral degree in related field, or have submitted their doctoral thesis for assessment, prior to the application deadline. It is a condition of employment that the PhD has been awarded.
For more information about this position and to apply, go to:
Postdoctoral Fellowship - University of Bergen
2. PhD Research Fellowship: Water Cycle Dynamics and Cryospheric Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway
Application deadline: Sunday, 24 September 2017
Duties of this position will be centered around the collection of snow samples and the analysis of water vapor source regions for the snow pack measurements using different model tools and will include a combination of laboratory and field measurements from ship, stations, and surface transects and the development and use of advanced isotope-enabled atmospheric models for interpretation. Work will be conducted in close coordination with a postdoctoral research position at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Bergen.
The successful candidate must have a M.Sc. or other corresponding education equivalent to a Norwegian Master degree in Geosciences, or a related Physical Sciences discipline (e.g., Physics, Mathematics, or Computer Sciences) with demonstrated knowledge of earth sciences.
For more information about this position and to apply, go to:
PhD Fellowship - University of Oslo