Tatiana is eager to share her experience:
"I have since the beginning of my legal career had an interest in issues of labour law and gender law, especially in the Arctic region. In 1993 I took part in the process of preparation of the text of the law on benefits for workers in the North of Russia (the Arctic part of Russia). Now this law is the most important for everybody who lives and works in the Arctic region of Russia.
My visit to the Faculty of Law of the University of Copenhagen (Center for European and Comparative Legal Studies) was related to my interest in the labour law of the countries of the Arctic region. At the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, which is located in Arkhangelsk, I teach Russian labor law and Comparative labor law in the countries of the Arctic region.
It is always very useful to find contacts with colleagues from the universities that make up the Arctic Circle. Denmark is a unique country, the birthplace of the labor law of all Nordic countries.
So I was happy to visit Copenhagen University. Professor Hanne Petersen is a professor of legal culture at the University of Copenhagen, who heads the Center for European and Comparative Legal Studies and she kindly agreed to organize my visit.
Professor Hanne Petersen is a supervisor for the masters who write papers on labour law. She is also involved in the gender issues of the countries of the Arctic region, therefore, communication with her was extremely useful for me.
My lecture at the University of Copenhagen was devoted to the problems of modern Russian labour law, the peculiarities of labour regulation in the Arctic zone of Russia and gender issues.
The Russian labour law system reflects the features of labour regulation in the North - in the Arctic part of Russia. At my lecture there were representatives of Denmark, Italy, Ukraine, who took an active part in the discussion of these issues. It turned out that in our countries there are many similar problems.
Fruitful was the meeting with Jens Kristiansen professor of labor law, which deals with the problems of forming a model of collective agreements in Europe and in the Nordic countries.
In the time of my visit we discussed with the Danish colleagues the Danish labor market model, peculiarities of the legal regulation of labor in the Arctic.
The Arctic is a unique region in which strong conditions for using of labor require special legal regulations. Russian experience can be useful for other countries of the Arctic region, which can expand the use of labour law from the Arctic. For example, regarding the extraction of minerals.
In Russia, there are coefficients for wages for workers in the Arctic, a 5-year reduction in the retirement age for men and women, an increase in the duration of annual leave.
It was also possible to get acquainted with the conditions of students' education, the work of teachers and their academic activities. I learned how the Center for European and Comparative Legal Studies - works.
In general, my visit was very fruitful, the information obtained in his course will be used in teaching of the course Comparative labor law of the countries of the Arctic region.
I also hope to continue cooperation with colleagues from the University of Copenhagen and their future visits to the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. We will also meet at international conferences and study together relevant issues of labor and gender law in Arctic".