On September 17, representatives of UArctic's membership join a series of pre-meetings, focusing on the north2north student exchange program, UArctic's academic area, Circumpolar Studies, and indigenous issues. In addition to providing important feedback and development ideas for UArctic's activities, these sessions help members find new ways to actively engage in the network.
The Council of UArctic meets from September 18-20 on the campuses of the two host institutions, Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology. One of the main issues on the agenda is the decision to establish UArctic as a legal entity, which will ultimately result in the network becoming a registered non-profit association under Finnish law. Another key discussion point is the organization's new Strategic Plan for the next ten-year period. The Council will also vote to approve new members and Thematic Networks, and to elect new members to the Board of UArctic.
The Council of UArctic oversees program development and the direction of the organization. With representation from all member institutions, the Council also acts as a forum of consultation, networking and cooperation between members. The Council of UArctic meets once a year.