The UArctic Congress 2022 takes place in Moscow, Russian Federation in October, 4 - 7 2022, hosted by Lomonosov Moscow State University. The UArctic Congress 2022 is part of Russian’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council (2021-2023) with the cross-cutting priority “Responsible Governance for Sustainable Arctic" promoting collective approaches to the sustainable development of the Arctic, environmentally, socially and economically balanced, enhancing synergy and cooperation and coordination with other regional structures, as well as implementation of the Council's Strategic Plan, while respecting the rule of law.
We welcome abstracts to 57 sessions under the themes focusing on Russia’s chairmanship priority themes:
1. Arctic Peoples, including Indigenous Peoples of the North
1.1. Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic
1.2. Arctic Youth
2. Environmental protection, including climate change
2.1. Climate change and the Arctic Environment
2.2. Prevention of emergencies
3. Socio-economic development in the region
3.1. Economic cooperation
3.2. Development of infrastructures and sustainable shipping
3.3. Arctic tourism
3.4. Arctic Cultures
4. Strengthening international Arctic cooperation, including education and research
5. Other
The format of the presentation (oral or poster) can be proposed by the authors, but it will be decided by the Session convener(s), based on the scientific merit and the number of the accepted abstracts. In general, the sessions run either 60 or 90 minutes.
Full call for abstracts, session descriptions, abstract submission details, and a link to the online submission form are available at Abstract call page.
The website for the UArctic Congress 2022 has been launched and you can find it at this link:
On the website, you can consult all the relevant information related to the UArctic Congress 2022 such as the key dates, program and registration modalities.