As project leaders the Centre for Recreation and Tourism Research (CRTR) at UHI North, West and Hebrides, CRTR will receive almost £10,000 for their role in the project. CRTR and the University of Lapland have come together to take forward a project that will help small rural communities based in under-visited destinations promote local heritage for the benefit of both locals and visitors.

Staff at both universities will work with community organisations in Ardgour and the Upper Kemijoki River area in Finnish Lapland to create a series of audio trails celebrating local stories and landmarks.

They will also gather local business information that could be incorporated into a larger tourism app. This will celebrate and promote the cultural and natural heritage of these destinations which are often overshadowed by more popular tourist attractions nearby.

It is designed to promote the exchange of expertise on shared issues and raise awareness of common ambitions. This year nine projects will receive a share of £83,276, with £10,000 being the maximum given to any individual project.

It’s hoped that the audio trail will launch by the end of March 2024 and will include stories from the area chosen, curated and told by local residents.

Read the original article here: Ardgour takes central role in Arctic Connections project - The Oban Times