Open call for submitting abstracts for being considered as potential contributor to the special issue of the International Journal for Circumpolar Health will focus on the support needed to include language, culture and land learning in the practice of childbirth in Inuit communities. The Journal particularly encourages contributions from, and will endeavor to work with, traditionally or western-trained Inuit midwives, people based in Inuit communities, elders, mothers, grandmothers. For more information, please find the PDF announcement on the right side of this page . Abstract submission deadline is January 31, 2025. Those interested in being a reviewer for this special issue, should contact Christine Ingemann of University of Southern Denmark at
Childbirth as a topic is about matters of wellbeing on a lifelong continuum. Childbirth includes relationships that evolve around pregnancy and childbirth as a part of a lifelong journey not as a single component of care. It draws attention to the intersection between land, language, culture and the structural forces that shape the context for Maternal Child Health. It also foregrounds the cognitive and emotional work involved in identifying the issues embedded in the politics and practice of Maternal Child Health, in deciding what is right and in being a just, compassionate, and trustworthy practitioner.