Dr. Jens Hart Hansen (1936-1998) sought to improve circumpolar health by mentoring emerging researchers and health workers. At every International Congress on Circumpolar Health, NSCH awards an Nordic an emerging circumpolar health researcher/worker fellowship from the Jens Peder Hart Hansen Memorial Fund. The purpose of this fellowship is to support emerging circumpolar health researchers/workers to encourage their continued efforts to improve circumpolar health. Similar awards are made by each adhering body of the International Union for Circumpolar Health. More information on the life and times of Dr. Hansen can be found here.

The NSCH committees had the following rationale for Emelyanova to receive the award:

“Dr. Anastasia Emelyanova, Postdoctoral Researcher, Thule Institute and Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu, Finland. She is Vice-Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Health and Well-being in the Arctic. Her research interests include population changes across the Arctic region, Arctic health and well-being, One Health in northern communities and ecosystems, education and policy in respective fields. She holds academic degrees from the Health Sciences in University of Oulu and Social Work in Northern Arctic Federal University (Russia). She is a coordinator of the Nordic Arctic Co-operation Program’s funded project “Arctic Healthy Aging communities: Safe and inclusive outdoor environment and public spaces (The Nordic AHA-Communities)” (2023-2026) and an invited partner to several ongoing international projects.”