The following session is accepting abstracts:

SESSION TER68 - Arctic Coastal Dynamics in a Changing Climate

A better understanding of the coastal zone (both physical and biogeochemical changes) is an important theme to help understand the impacts of climate to the open ocean marine life and biodiversity. Warming temperatures, declining sea ice, and increased duration and frequency of forcing events (storminess) are critical drivers to accelerate this change. The unprecedented change facing the Arctic coastal zone today will have a significant impact on infrastructure, communities, Inuit peoples, and vulnerable ecosystems. Information to support future planning, mitigation and adaptation measures of these changing permafrost coastal landscapes is an important theme of Arctic research and Inuit project co-development. This session intends to bring together researchers, indigenous partners and community members who are studying, monitoring or experiencing environmental changes in these critical coastal and nearshore arctic areas and ecosystems.

Co-Chairs: Hughes Lantuit, Alfred Wegener Institute; Dustin Whalen, Geological Survey of Canada; Pia Petzold, Alfred Wegener Institute; Justus Gimsa, Alfred Wegener Institute.

To submit an abstract, go to:
Abstract submission webpage

Abstract submission deadline: 13 September 2024

For more information, go to:
Arctic Change 2024 webpage