Global Indigenous Youth Summit on Climate Change (GIYSCC)

Call for Submission of Chapters in Edited Book (Springer-Nature)

Book Title:
Climate Action with Global Inclusion: Perspectives, Lessons, and Observations from Indigenous Youths on Climate Adaptation and Resilience

Book Editors:
Temitope Olawunmi Sogbanmu
Adeyemi Oladapo Aremu
Ranjan Datta
Heather Sauyaq Jean Gordon
Lahcen El Youssfi

Springer-Nature: Part of the Book Series - Informed Decisionmaking for Sustainability


Indigenous peoples are custodians of age-long traditional knowledge and practices that may  be in parallel with Western practices but have enabled their perpetuation in closeness with  nature. Indigenous youths from these cultures and groups are critical to ensuring the sustainability of Indigenous knowledge, perpetuation, participation and contribution to  climate change adaptation. Still, Indigenous people face a myriad of challenges and vulnerabilities due to climate change impacts on their biodiversity, livelihoods and habitats.

To achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) mantra of ‘leaving no one behind’ and facilitate global inclusion of Indigenous youths in climate change discourse for climate action, the Global Indigenous Youth Summit on Climate Change (GIYSCC) was conceived. The first summit was implemented on the 9th of August 2023 (International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples) to facilitate dialogue among and between Indigenous youths across the world. The 2nd edition will hold on 9th August 2024.

A call to action for the GIYSCC was published as a Comment in Nature (2023) stating that ‘Indigenous youths must be at the forefront of climate diplomacy’. To document the key  outputs, lessons and ideas for climate change adaptation, resilience, sustainability and future action, this book proposal is put together through a call for contributions to the book collection: Climate Action with Global Inclusion: Perspectives, Lessons, Observations from Indigenous Youths on Climate Adaptation and Resilience.

We invite book chapter contributions from presenters and participants at the 1st and 2nd editions of the GIYSCC on themes covering but not limited to:

  • Climate change perception, knowledge and diplomacy
  • Current realities on climate impact
  • Climate change and Indigenous heritage
  • Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change Adaptation/Resilience Strategies
  • Future perspectives on climate change
  • climate change communication
  • climate change and diplomacy
  • Indigenous Land-rights as climate resiliency
  • Ongoing settler colonialism as human-created climate challenges
  • Indigenous Land-based learning as climate actions
  • The role of youths in climate change adaptation and decision making
  • Co-production of knowledge on climate change between Indigenous and Western systems, and so on.

The book is anticipated to be published in the Informed Decisionmaking for Sustainability  (IDS) book Series published by Springer Nature. The book chapter contributions will be edited by experts from across the globe - Africa, Asia, Australia, South and North Americas among others as well as subjected to peer review (involving two anonymous reviewers with co-editor decisions communicated about revisions and acceptances) prior to publication.

Submissions which do not fit the peer review rigour but of significant value will be considered for publication in the Science Diplomacy Series, magazines and blogs. We especially invite contributions from under-represented, marginalized and non-academic groups. As a means of encouraging worldwide inclusion, support may be provided for translations to English language. Interested contributors/authors should submit a working chapter title and abstract/synopsis of their proposed contributions on/before September 30, 2024 at this link.

Requirement of the Abstract/Synopsis/Expression of Interest:

Scholars, researchers, and practitioners are invited to submit a title and 250-300 words abstract that describe the background, purpose, concepts, research methodology/approach,  findings as well as conclusion/recommendation for the proposed chapter. Decisions  regarding the submitted abstracts will be provided from September 15 to October 2, 2024 and authors will be required to submit their FULL chapter on/before February 28,  2025 for peer review.

Following the notification of the decision on the submitted abstract, author(s) would be  required to submit the complete chapter of either short (3000-4000 words) or large format (5000-6500 words).

For further information, please contact us at

Submission form

Call for Submission flyer

We look forward to receiving your book chapter abstract submissions. Thank you.

Temitope O. Sogbanmu, PhD

For: Book Co-Editors