The installation included three different types of dust traps for wet and dry deposition and vertical flow. The station belongs to the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR).

The traps were installed on 14 August and will collect dust until end of September 2024. Planning and preparations for the installation were carried out with the essential help from the station manager Katrine Raundrup. For example, Katrine adviced to avoid certain materials that could be interesting for the Arctic foxes that live in the station area.

The installation was carried out by the visiting team of Outi Meinander and Laura Thölix from the Finnish Meteorological Institute. During the visit, also stream samples were collected and quartz filters for further laboratory analysis at FMI were prepared. At the time of the visit, there was no snow close to the station, but snow on glaciers and mountain tops up to 1300 m could be observed. The snow surfaces were observed to have visible amounts of light-absorbing impurities, most likely due to local dust.

The work belongs to the EU-INTERACT DUST-project, lead by Adjunct Professor Outi Meinander, vice-lead of the Thematic Network on High Latitude DustFinnish Meteorological Institute (FMI).