On March 14-15, the Cégep of Sept-Îles in Quebec hosted an International Symposium on New Nordic Literary Corpora co-organized by the research center Imaginaire/Nord of the University of Quebec in Montreal, the research center GRENOC of the Cégep, and the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ (MIARC) in Versailles, France.

The symposium presented an opportunity for academics from Quebec and Europe to exchange views on subjects related to literary production in Nordic/Arctic countries.

In the following excerpt, one can listen to author and playwright Emmanuelle Roy, teacher Eang-Nay Theam, and Jan Borm, professor at UVS, director of MIARC, and UArctic Chair who emphasizes the originality of the conference. It offered a friendly venue to share experiences and viewpoints on writings about the North and the Arctic between Canadian and European academics, as well as representatives of the Innu Nation.

You can listen to the podcast about the symposium here.