Evan is currently a full-time Master's student at the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu, where he is in his second year of the Linguistic Data Sciences degree program. His areas of academic interest include morphosyntax and word formation processes, as well as language description. 

Evan grew up in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, and came to Finland in hopes of learning Finnish and starting a new life here. He is excited in particular for the opportunities that this position will provide for learning more about the Indigenous linguistic landscape of the Arctic and the communities in the region.

Some of the main tasks that he will carry out during his internship include helping to formulate a UArctic policy for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by the organization, as well as developing content for the Indigenous Languages in Higher Education page on the UArctic website. He will additionally publish news stories to the website relating to important Arctic happenings and contribute to keeping the organization's social media accounts up to date.

Evan's internship has been made possible in part thanks to financial support from the University of Eastern Finland Trainee Programme.