The AANRE is a network of the ARC’s Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) partners as core members. It aims to clarify the impact of the changes in the Arctic environment on the Arctic and sub-Arctic region and beyond, especially in Asia, and to establish a platform for exchanging information on research and human resource development in Asian countries that are trying to develop economic and political ties with the Arctic region. This network will not be limited to the current MoU signatories but will be expanded to include more partner institutions, especially in Asia.
At this meeting, representatives of MoU partners are invited to introduce their status and plans for Arctic research of their institutions and countries. There are sessions on Arctic-midlatitudes linkage, policy engagement of non-Arctic countries, northward expansion of ecosystems, Arctic shipping routes, and human resource development, followed by a special session for Taiwanese Polar research activities.
The format of the first AAC of the AANRE is hybrid with in-person and online available. The language used will be English with no interpreters. Pre-registration is required.
Registration deadline: 11 February 2025
To register, go to:
Registration Form
For more information, go to:
Conference webpage
For questions, contact:
Yuji Kodama, Arctic Research Center, Hokkaido University