In tandem with the opening of the legislative session in January, the University of Alaska released the first in a series of informational reports to aid state leaders as Alaska confronts a rapidly changing Arctic and the increasingly globalized North.

Building on previous success, the Scottish Government has launched a new round of the Arctic Connections Fund to encourage cooperation and mutual learning between Scottish organisations and Arctic partners.

The conference took place on February 6-9, 2023, and brought together the ADVOST project team to explore a range of topics, including augmented and virtual reality devices, digital pedagogy, and the use of creative technology in educational spaces. The project is part of the activities of the UArctic Thematic Network on Teach...

UNBC student Sarah Dixon received a 2022 Skills Award for Indigenous Youth from the Forest Products Association of Canada and the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers, recognizing her contributions as a mentor to other Indigenous youth interested in natural resource industries and her commitment to a sustainable future.

Days 2 and 3 of the Anthropology Conference 2023 organized by The Arctic Anthropology Research Team (Arctic Centre), University of Lapland, offered many insightful presentations, keynote speeches, and a Plenary Roundtable.

The Arctic Anthropology Research Team (Arctic Centre) from UArctic member University of Lapland is organizing the Anthropology Conference on 21-23 March 2023 in Rovaniemi. Read about the highlights of the day one.