UArctic Assembly 2023
Voting Instructions

UArctic Assembly Meeting / Quebec City, Canada / 22-26 May 2023

Voting Instructions

The on-site voting in UArctic Assembly meeting will be organized electronically through ElectionBuddy voting service. You will need your own device to vote (mobile phone, tablet, laptop), so please remember to pack it with you. There will be a wifi connection provided on site.

You will get a voting card with your organization’s Access Key and Password from the registration desk at the meeting venue. If there are multiple people attending from your institution, please decide who will be the voting representative of your institution before arriving to the registration.

The voting system and meeting procedures will be introduced in the beginning of the meeting on the 24th May. If you wish, you can test the voting system at the registration desk before the meeting begins (on the 22nd May at 18-21, on the 23rd at 9-14 or on the 24th at 8-9).

Link to the voting page: