The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research, in cooperation with the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Nansen ScientificSociety, and the University Center in Svalbard (UNIS), invites applications to a summer school program entitled "Impact of climate change on resources, maritime transport, and geopoliti...

Eight students at the Sámi University College have graduated in the Bachelor of Sámi duodji. They are the first cohort of bachelor students in this degree program.

The President of Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, will present a keynote address during the University of the Arctic's 10 Year Seminar on the theme of Green Growth. President Grímsson has been a long-time supporter of the University of the Arctic and the Northern Research Forum. This marks a historic return to the same Fellma...

"Our Ice Dependent World", organized by the Northern Research Forum and its partners as the Northern Research Forum 6th Open Assembly, will be hosted by the University of Akureyri in the town of Hveragerði, Iceland 4. - 6. September 2011