Transition, Marginalization and Empowerment

Climatic, demographic, economic, linguistic, technological, cultural and social changes challenge Mother Earth and require transition. Indigenous peoples and minorities are especially vulnerable to such restructuring. Transitional processes may lead to marginalization and alienation, which challenge social work.

The International Indigenous Voices in Social Work Conference (IIVSWC) is convinced that indigenous wisdom and tacit knowledge hold the answers to some of these challenges. IIVSWS invites students, social workers, researchers, administrators and policymakers to discuss these issues, building the knowledge and developing the empowerment methods needed to meet the demands of sustainability and diversity.

The Preliminary Program is available here.

You may register for the conference here.

Call for Abstracts

The Program Committee of the 4th International Indigenous Voices In Social Work Conference, June 12th–15th, 2017 Alta, Norway, invites researchers, social workers and other authors to submit abstracts for oral presentation for parallel sessions during the Conference.

The parallel sessions are conducted as symposia or workshops based on submitted Abstracts. A symposium lasts 60 minutes total duration and consists of three presentations of 15 minutes each, with a further 15 minutes for a final discussion.

The Conference organisers determine the composition of the accepted Abstracts. The submitted Abstracts from a person or a group, may also be implemented as a workshop of 90 minutes. If submitting as a group, there must be a corresponding author who submits the abtract/abstracts and decides the content of the workshop.

Authors should take into consideration that there should be some time allowed for feedback/reflections from the workshop participants. When submitting an abstract, the author should also state his/her first and second preference (1, 2) prioritising which of the six given topics the abstract/presentation would best fit under.

The symposia/workshops are based on assumed Abstracts on the following topics:

a. Healing and social work practice with individuals and families

b. Restorative practice

c. Community work and empowerment

d. Indigenism and transition in social work education

e. Indigenous based knowledge and research

f. Decolonization and anti-marginalization

Abstract Submission Details

* Abstracts must be sent to

* Abstracts must be submitted by the 15th of December 2016, for consideration by the Program Committee. Authors will be notified of provisional acceptance of submitted abstracts by the 15th of January 2017.

* For submissions to be accepted, abstract authors must be registered and their conference attendance to be paid for, early bird 1th Febrary – latest 1st of April 2017.

* Abstracts must be submitted in English, or in one of the Scandinavian languages (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish) or in Sámi language

* Abstracts are limited to a maximum of 250 words

* When submitting, the following information must be provided: - Title - Name of corresponding author/authors - Author's organization - Country - Email - Telephone - Primary presentation topic: - Secondary presentation topic:

* Abstracts must not contain tables, pictures or diagrams.

* All abbreviations must be spelled out on first use.

* Abstracts should be thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar.

* Abstracts are to be submitted in Microsoft Word format only

* All abstracts will be published in English and in their submitted version within the Conference Proceedings publication.

Further information is available here.
