The objectives of the conference:
- To bring together scientists interested in the geography of the Arctic regions
- To discuss the problems of the Arctic regions, related to their geographical location
- To find new possibilities of cooperation
- To develop interdisciplinary approaches for problem-solving in the Arctic regions
The conference, organized by Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia and Karelian Research Center of RAS, will be held in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 9-10 November 2017.
The Conference is planned to discuss the results of the research in the following areas:
- Evolution of the natural environment of the Arctic regions in the late Pleistocene and Holocene
- Current state of the circumpolar regions. Problems of the rational nature management and environmental protection in the Arctic.
- Studying and preserving natural and cultural heritage of the Arctic. According to the geo-archeological studies.
- GIS-technology, modeling and modern methods of geographical research
- Socio-economic development of the Arctic sector. Tourism.
- Interdisciplinary research in the Arctic regions.
The Conference will be held in the form of plenary and sectional sessions. At the conference will be organized "School of young scientists", for bachelor, master, postgraduate students and young scientists (under 35 years). The details are in the end of the information letter.
For the participation in the conference it is necessary to send the application form and the text of the report (article) before October 20th, 2017.
For more information and the application form, see the attached information letter.