The workshop gathered together educators from five Nordic Arctic universities to plan joint studies.There were participants from five universities:
Luleå University of Technology (host): Eva Alerby, Niclas Ekberg, Åsa Gardelli, Ahmad Hussein, Kattis Edström and Greta Lindberg
University of Lapland: the project leader Erika Sarivaara, Outi Kyrö-Ämmälä, Janette Peltokorpi and Karita Arminen
University of Oulu: Marko Kielinen
Umeå University: Björn Norlin, Charlotta Svonni, Carina Rönnqvist and Lena Kristensson
UiT The Arctic University of Norway: Gregor Maxwell, Greta Heim and Camilla Takøy
The development project “Joint Online Master Course on the Arctic Inclusive Pedagogy” (2018-19) funded by Nordplus Higher Education was concluded in its third workshop. The project was coordinated by the UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education. As a result of the workshop, curriculum of the joint online master course was finalised. The curriculum (10 ECTS) includes three sections:
1. Educational challenges in the Arctic – Education for all
2. Inclusive educational experts
3. Sámi presence in educational settings
Altogether, the project was very successful and achieved its goals well. Developing joint study course has strengthened the relations and cooperation within the Arctic5 group, especially in the field of education. The project group has shared good practices in online teaching methods and learnt a lot about their peers experiences, and studies.
The project group has got successful decision on funding by Nordplus Higher Education for next year of the project (2019-20). In next step of the project, the aim is to develop the online environments and assignments to implement the curriculum. The plan is to run the course for the first time in autumn 2020. Long-term goal is to develop curriculum towards common Nordic Master programme.
For more information, visit the project website.