The main idea of the Forum is to join the creative forces of the Arctic and Asia in solving the problems of sustainable development of the Northern and Arctic regions.

In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that included 17 Sustainable Development Goals and which implementation should involve not only governments but also transnational companies, charity foundations, community, NGOs and academia worldwide.

Currently, the concept of sustainable development has become central to the Arctic region as well. On the one hand, the exploration of the Arctic region can become promising. On the other hand, the Arctic has a fragile ecosystem, which should be taken care of now not only by the Arctic countries, but also by the non-Arctic ones, interested in the region’s development.

Sustainable development of the Arctic is a global challenge requiring comprehensive international cooperation.

DATES: September 27-30, 2020

LOCATION: Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation


To attend the Forum, register at or get in touch with the Registration and Accreditation Service:

The participation in the Forum is free.

The registration deadline is September 10, 2020