Lightning talks from the winners of the Mon Projet Nordique / My Northern Project competition 2021, PhD students from Québec and the Nordic countries will be held during Arctic Circle Assembly on Saturday October 16, 2021 (11h20-12h15).

Meet the winners:

Alex Mavrovic, PhD student in Environmental Science, UQTR, Canada

Véronique Dubos, PhD candidate in Water Sciences, INRS-ETE, Canada

Elisabeth Hardy-Lachance, MSc candidate in Environmental Geography, UQTR, Canada


Flore Sergeant, PhD candidate in Earth Sciences, Université Laval, Canada

Alexandre Demers-Potvin, PhD candidate in Paleontology, Redpath Museum, McGill University, Canada

Agathe Allibert, PhD student in Veterinary Studies, Université de Montréal, Canada

Valérie Langlois, PhD student in Microbiology, Université Laval, Canada

Stig Andreas Johannssen, Master’s student in Societal Safety, University of Stavanger, Norway

Tatatiana Kravtsov, PhD student in Art, University of Lapland, Finland

Judith Maréchal, PhD Candidate, Danish Technical University, Arctic DTU - Ilinniarfeqarfik Sisimiut, Greenland

Aðalheiður Alice Eyvör Pálsdóttir, PhD student in folkloristics/ethnology at the University of Iceland, Iceland

Natalia Ramirez, PhD student in biology at the University of Akureyri, Iceland

Jennifer Fiebig, PhD student in Civil Engineering and Architecture M.A. at the Technical University Denmark, Denmark

Rieke Madsen, a recent MA graduate at the Lund University, Sweden

Hanna Blåhed, PhD student at the Umeå University, Sweden

Funded by Nordic Council of Ministers Nordic Co-operation between Québec and the Nordic countries.