The 2024 CoE Summer School focused on ageing-related research papers and funding applications. On the first day, there were parallel paper sessions and presentations from Research and Innovation Services on research funding. Those who registered for the Funding Clinic received one-to-one feedback on their funding application plans. The second day featured more parallel paper sessions and a keynote lecture.

Thematic Network on Ageing and Gender in the Arctic Lead and members actively participated in the summer school, chairing one session and planning future activities related to ageing and care. Below are the names of the Thematic Network members and the titles of their presentations:
- Dr. Shahnaj Begum discussed on “ The role of digitalization in creating an age-friendly environment for older immigrants in Finland”.
- Professor Erika Takahashi, TN lead Dr. Shahnaj Begum & Post-Doc researcher Jiby Mathew Puthenparambil presented on “Assessing Care Needs in Rural Areas: A comparative study of Finnish Lapland and Archipelago”.
- Professor Heli Valokivi and Dr. Hilla Kiuru presented on : “Older adults´ interacton with social robots in a care home – institutional ethnographic perspective".
Contact information: TN Lead Dr. Shahnaj Begum,