
UArctic Publications from Thematic Networks, Chairs and other activity areas in Zenodo document repository and Digital Object Identifier (DOI) registration platform. For a more complete list of Thematic Networks and Institutes publications please refer to the individual profile pages of Thematic Networks and Institutes.

Frozen Arctic: Horizon scan of interventions to slow down, halt, and reverse the effects of climate change in the Arctic and northern regions (Thematic Network on Frozen Arctic Conservation. Alfthan, B., van Wijngaarden, A., Moore,J., Kullerud, L., Kurvits, T., Mulelid, O., and Husabø, E. 2023) DOI

Arctic Research Trends. Bibliometrics 2016–2022 (Thematic Network on Research Analytics and Bibliometrics, Arctic Centre Umeå UniversityDOI

Arctic Research Trends: External Funding 2016-2022 (Thematic Network on Research Analytics and Bibliometrics, Arctic Centre, Umeå University) 10.5281/zenodo.10521422

Circumpolar Studies Curriculum Development Guide 1.0 (UArctic Læra Institute for Circumpolar Education. Speca, A. (Ed.), 2022). 10.5281/zenodo.10159738

DALAM at the 2023 IFLA WLIC (Thematic Network on Decolonization of Arctic Library and Archived Metadata (DALAM), Parikka, Susanna. 10.7939/r3-7z62-e566

Decolonization of Arctic Library and Archives Metadata (DALAM) Thematic Network Update: April 2023, (Thematic Network on Decolonization of Arctic Library and Archived Metadata (DALAM)Cambell, Sandra M. 10.7939/r3-be75-6844

Decolonization of Arctic Library and Archives Metadata (DALAM) Thematic Network Update: September 2023 (Thematic Network on Decolonization of Arctic Library and Archived Metadata (DALAM), Campbell, Sandra M. 10.7939/r3-9h2x-g898

Decolonization of Arctic Library and Archives Metadata (DALAM) Thematic Network Update: October, 2023 – April, 2024 (Thematic Network on Decolonization of Arctic Library and Archived Metadata (DALAM), Campbell, Sandra M.10.7939/r3-4jzh-tg54

Thematic Network on Decolonization of Arctic Library and Archives Metadata (DALAM) Success Story "DALAM Network Educates about Decolonization of Metadata" Thematic Network on Decolonization of Arctic Library and Archived Metadata (DALAM), Campbell, S., Lund, P., & McAllister, S. (2025).

Submission Guidelines

Zenodo is UArctic's preferred document repository and Digital Object Identifier (DOI) registration platform.

  • New publications can be uploaded and submitted to the UArctic Community on Zenodo using this link.
  • Existing publications on Zenodo can be also be submitted after publishing to Zenodo. Edit the record, add the "UArctic" under the "Communities" section, save, and finally publish. Full instructions.