Umeå University
All News Articles
This month
- New Arctic Indigenous Cinema degree program announced at ULapland
- EduPermaGR Project to Develop Permafrost Education in Greenland
- PermaIntern and SEDNA projects presented at the "Arctic Change 2024" international conference
- The Sustainability Portrait Project – Art, location, and social responsibility for sustainable development in the Arctic
- Online course: Gender Equality as a Diverse Phenomenon
- Lessons of the Land: New Genre Arctic Art and Land-Based Learning Advances Sustainability and Collaboration
- ASAD network: New Genre Art Education in the Arctic project carried out successfully
- First mapping of permafrost university education in the Nordics
- Analyzing Arctic Research Trends
- Flow Exhibition features the Living in the Landscape "Lila" Summer School
- Nord University Joins Arctic Six
- Highlights from the "Sustainable Teacher Education Empowering Arctic Futures" EAF 2024 Conference
- Highlights from the 2024 "Tectonics and Volcanism" Course in Svalbard
- Save the date: SAS webinar: Dynamic processes in the Arctic Ocean, September 23
- DALAM meeting held at the Polar Libraries Colloquy in Tromsø, Norway
- New Publication: A Research Agenda for Arctic Tourism
- International Arctic Seminar Series online in fall 2024
- Launch of PermaIntern Platform and SEDNA Project Celebrated at ICOP 2024
- Arctic Five appoints new Chairs
- Thematic Network on Working in the Arctic organized a scientific session at the Arctic Congress 2024
- 2024 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on Arctic Research and Education
- New Genre Arctic Art and Art Education Exhibition at the Arctic Congress Bodø
- Thematic Network on Social Work: Putting Arctic Social work on the agenda
- Establishing the Arctic Five as a UArctic Regional Centre
- The fifth Living in the Landscape Art-based Research Method’s Summer School investigates rivers and the impact of green energy
- Nomadic Hub of Arctic Art Education camped in Karasjok, Norway
- New publication: Herbivore diversity effects on Arctic tundra ecosystems: a systematic review
- New UArctic Publication: Arctic Research Trends, External Funding 2016-2022
- Dynamics of Arctic Research Funding: Report “Arctic Research Trends: External Funding 2016–2022”
- Call for the Arctic Five Chair Program 2024 is now open!
- Thematic Network on Working in the Arctic held a meeting on "Arctic outdoor occupational health and safety in the changing climate"
- Call for Abstracts for the Session "Arctic Tourism Futures" at the Arctic Congress Bodø 2024
- Call for Papers: 8th International Polar Tourism Research Network (IPTRN) Conference
- ASAD Network’s Annual Relate North Exhibition at Umeå University
- ASAD network’s annual Relate North symposium held at Umeå University
- The Arctic Urgency – Breaking boundaries with research taboos
- Nurture: Living in the Landscape Publication and Exhibition 2023 launched
- Call for Abstracts for the Session "Intersectional Gender Equality within Academia - Exploring Sustainable Futures in the Arctic"
- UArctic Board met in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Second Læra Institute faculty workshop
- Arctic research grows and strengthens international cooperation
- Nordplus Horizontal funding for the development of New Genre Arctic Art Education
- Relate North Symposium - Exploring Beyond Borders
- Fourth Living in the Landscape summer school examines forests
- Register now: Education in Nordic and Arctic Contexts
- 2023 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on UArctic Research and Education
- North2north coordinators gather in Alta, Norway
- 2023 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on Arctic Research and Education
- Members of the Arctic Health network at the 'Species on the Move 2023' Conference
- Call for proposals: Relate North symposium and exhibition 2023 – Beyond Borders
- Webinar: Reflections from the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons from Social Work Practice and Research
- The Nuohtti service provides digital access to Sámi material in European archives
- Dr. Gwen Healey's piece on Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre's Fulbright projects
- Open Call: Arctic Five Fellows
- Apply for a doctoral position at the Arctic Graduate School
- Apply now for summer school: Living in the landscape
- Arctic Sustainable Art and Design TN (ASAD) has received funding for the development of its activities in 2023-2025
- UArctic participates in Umeå Arctic Forum
- Living in the Landscape summer school 2022: Dwellers in the Landscape - Exhibitions and catalogue published 28th of November 2022
- The successful kick-off of the Nordforsk funded CLINF-Green project
- 2022 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on Arctic Research and Education
- Calotte Academy from a participant’s perspective
- Two Postdoctoral Positions Available: Arctic Ecology - Umeå University, Sweden
- Two postdoc-positions focussing on winter seasonality of arctic terrestrial ecosystems
- Open PhD positions at Umeå University’s Arctic Graduate School with a focus on Sustainable Development
- Várdduo seminar at Umeå University invites Professor John Kilbourne on May 3rd, 2022
- Conference on Sami Youth Health at UiT postponed to Fall 2022
- Register now: Effects of the pandemic on the European Arctic and Indigenous Health
- Arctic Five Education project held workshop in Tromsø
- UArctic Board meets in Switzerland
- Forthcoming book series: Arctic Humanities
- Registration open: Online course “Arctic Inclusive Education”
- The Arctic Five 2021 call for Chairs
- Online course “Arctic Inclusive Education” on spring term 2022 – registration is now open
- UArctic Project Call Results 2021 for Cooperation Activities on Research, Education and Outreach
- IPED project organised a successful workshop on the future of Sámi education
- Two new project grants awarded to UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education
- Open position: postdoctoral researcher in human geography, Umeå University, Sweden
- Workshop brought researchers together to talk about indigenizing education
- Project IPED invites participants in online workshop on Indigenizing education - Registration is now open
- Arctic Tourism in Times of Change: Dimensions of Urban Tourism
- UArctic Thematic Network on Ageing and Gender in the Arctic received a new project on Ageing, gender and ethnicity (AGE-Arctic)
- Save the date: Online workshop on indigenizing education
- Umeå University hosted the fifth Arctic Five workshop
- Call for participation: ASIAQ field course at Tarfala research station
- Student and science communications internships available in Abisko, Sweden for 2020
- Funding has been granted for research workshops on Indigenous Pedagogy in Teacher Education
- The Final Workshop of Food (In)Security in the Arctic was held in Rovaniemi
- The Arctic Five presents: "Challenges in times of change - Current research on ecology, sea and climate in the Arctic"
- The third Arctic5 workshop concluded the successful "Joint Online Master Course on the Arctic Inclusive Pedagogy" project
- Arctic Tourism in Times of Change: Seasonality
- The Arctic Five presents: How do we build climate-resilient societies in the Arctic? Online seminar
- Two open positions for postdoctoral researchers at Vaartoe - Centre for Sami Research, Umeå university
- UArctic Board meets in Hanover, New Hampshire
- The second workshop on Food (in)Security in the Arctic was held in Umeå, Sweden
- Thematic Network on Teacher Education to develop a joint Online Study Course on Arctic Inclusive Pedagogy
- UArctic University Leadership Meets in Oulu
- Thematic network on Teacher Education works towards a common Nordic Master’s Degree Programme
- 12 PhD students will present their Northern project in Arctic Circle Assembly
- Call for Papers "Queering Indigeneity: Indigenous Queer Intersections in the Arctic"
- Northern students are invited to study climate impacts in Abisko
- Arctic Europe’s university rectors establish the Arctic Five partnership
- Northern perspective on tourism – University of Lapland launches a new master's degree programme
- New IASSA Secretariat 2017-2020 and ICASS X location in 2020
- UArctic organizing partner in High Altitudes Meet High latitudes: Globalizing Polar Issues
- NPE symposium 2017 Political Arctic/Arctic Political, 26-27 September 2017
- ICASS IX held by the International Arctic Social Sciences Association completed its work in Umeå
- UArctic’s Indigenous Issues Committee and Nominations Committee meet in Umeå, Sweden
- PhD course - Community based methods for sustainable development in the north
- Deadline January 16 for Paper and Poster abstracts to ICASS IX, June 8-12 2017
- Call for papers and posters for the 9th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences
- New book: Encyclopedia of the Barents Region
- ICASS IX - Extended Call for Sessions
- ICASS IX: Second Call for Sessions
- Reminder: ICASS IX Session proposals
- Seminar: The Urban Arctic (June 10, 2016)
- Barents Summer School 2016: Towards Sustainable Communities in the Barents Region
- ICASS IX Call for Sessions
- Arctic Lessons: A COP21 Side Event hosted by Nordic universities
- UAA news: north2north demands independence but rewards savvy students
- UArctic Students’ Forum 2015: Collaboration across academic and national borders
- UArctic Rectors' Forum concludes in Umeå
- Students gather in Umeå for UArctic Rectors' Forum
- News from the Thematic Network on Environmental Impact Assessment of Industry Contaminated Areas
- Open seminar: Past, present and the future of the Barents
- Ten days in Sisimut planning the research proposal on remediation of mine sites and contaminated areas
- Arctic Floating University successfully completed its work in 2014
- Next UArctic Rectors' Forum 2015
- New director at Umeå University's CeSam
- Arctic Council Ministerial concludes in Kiruna, Sweden
- NCM Arctic Co-operation Program continues to fund the development of the joint UArctic PhD program on Arctic Health and Well-being
- Understanding North Conference, April 25th-26th
- Jokkmokk Winter Conference 2013 report available
- PhD Training coure on Health impact assessment and climate change
- BCS student accepts challenges in Arctic Yakutia
- Umeå University inaugurates Sweden’s first Arctic Research Centre
- Successful workshop on new Arctic Health and Well-being PhD program held in Oulu
- New Barents research project starts at the Arctic Centre, Rovaniemi
- Thematic Network on Social Work in the Arctic, June 2012 newsletter
- Nordic Council of Ministers grants funding for UArctic PhD program on Arctic Health and Well-being
- Memorandum of Understanding related to Thematic Network on Social Work
- First UArctic Master's Program Endorsements