University of Oulu
All News Articles
This month
- Atmospheric Rivers Help Restore Greenland Ice Sheet and Slow Sea Level Rise
- Retrospective of the Arctic-2030 BANHER events arranged in Tromsø this January
- Introducing new UArctic Chair Alun Hubbard
- Registration open for a multidisciplinary, postgraduate 10 ECTS course on One Health in Northern Communities and Ecosystems
- A transdisciplinary, comparative analysis reveals key risks from Arctic permafrost thaw
- UArctic announces upcoming Executive Vice-President
- Jeff Welker on Healy, U.S. Coast Guard's Icebreaker
- Hart Hansen Award 2024 provided to Anastasia Emelyanova
- The networking project on healthy ageing and outdoor environment: Mid-term workshop in Copenhagen
- 12th National Seminar on Snow and excursion to the Arctic Space Centre in Sodankylä
- Arja Rautio and Jan Borm participated in a lecture on "One Health in the Arctic"
- First mapping of permafrost university education in the Nordics
- 2024 UArctic Board Meeting in Labrador, Canada
- Seminar “Sustainability in resource-dependent Cities in the Nordic Arctic" held as a pre-event to the Arctic Circle Assembly 2024
- Nord University Joins Arctic Six
- Highlights from the "Sustainable Teacher Education Empowering Arctic Futures" EAF 2024 Conference
- Student Story from Arctic Congress Bodø 2024: Mágga Välimaa, a student from University of Oulu
- Arctic Frontiers Student Forum: Call for student applications
- Roland Kallenborn, UArctic Chair, leads newly established Thematic Network RAMWA
- Arctic 6G joint measurement campaign
- DALAM meeting held at the Polar Libraries Colloquy in Tromsø, Norway
- New Publication: Routledge Handbook of Mobile Technology, Social Media and the Outdoors
- New Publication: A Research Agenda for Arctic Tourism
- Norwegian funding for Project Collaboration within the Framework of the University of the UArctic 2024-2026
- The UArctic funded onsite postgraduate course “One Health in Northern Communities and Ecosystems” took place in Norway in June 2024
- Arctic Five appoints new Chairs
- "Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement as a condition for a Just Green Transition - A Canadian and Nordic perspective" - Session at the Arctic Congress 2024 Bodø
- Student Story from Arctic Congress Bodø 2024: Santeri Halonen, a PhD student from the University of Oulu
- Thematic Network on Arctic Migration organized a Session on "Embracing Diversity: The Future of Immigrant Communities in the Arctic" at the Arctic Congress 2024 Bodø
- Intersectional Gender Equality within Academia - Exploring Sustainable Futures at the Arctic Congress 2024 Bodø
- Establishing the Arctic Five as a UArctic Regional Centre
- POLARIN: Network for polar research infrastructures
- Alun Hubbard appointed Director of the Thule Institute, University of Oulu, Finland
- Registration open for a multidisciplinary, postgraduate 10 ECTS course on One Health in Northern Communities and Ecosystems!
- Press Release: New book, "Supply Chain Operations in the Arctic: Implications for Social Sustainability"
- Call for the Arctic Five Chair Program 2024 is now open!
- Call for Abstracts for the Session "Intersectional Gender Equality within Academia - Exploring Sustainable Futures in the Arctic"
- UArctic Board met in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Mon projet nordique/My Northern Project Competition winners 2023
- University of Oulu hosted an exploratory workshop for representatives of three UArctic Thematic Networks
- Starlink feasibility measurements conducted by the 6G Flagship team
- Second Læra Institute faculty workshop
- PEOPLE 2023 International Conference held on August 7-11 in Montreal, Canada
- Job call: Director of the Thule Institute of the University of Oulu
- New book about everyday life and adaptation in the changing Arctic climate
- Announcement of AMAP/EU-PolarNet2 webinar on Human Health and Well-being in the Arctic
- The leaders and members of the Thematic Network on Ageing and Gender in the Arctic have published a book from Routledge
- Webinar: Exploring future 5G/6G opportunities
- Arctic 6G project meeting held in Oulu, Finland
- Deepening Arctic snowpack driving ancient greenhouse gas emissions
- International EISCAT Radar School, Kilpisjärvi, Finland
- Perspectives from Arctic WASH: Luxury Tourism in Remote Greenland
- Register now: Ethics and Methods in Arctic Transformative Research
- BEfore the FLUXes – A research training network at the frontier of environmental monitoring in the Arctic
- 2023 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on UArctic Research and Education
- My Northern Journey: Anastasia Emelyanova
- Members of TN in Arctic Health received funding to start a new project in healthy ageing theme
- 2023 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on Arctic Research and Education
- Members of the Arctic Health network at the 'Species on the Move 2023' Conference
- Blog: The land of a 1000 lakes nourishes the mind…
- Early melting of the Arctic Ocean in spring may contribute to extreme weather events
- American and Finnish Researchers Assess Reindeer Herders’ Cold Climate Adaptations
- Icebreaker research expedition into the High Arctic spring will study how the atmosphere, sea ice and ocean interact
- The Nuohtti service provides digital access to Sámi material in European archives
- Dr. Gwen Healey's piece on Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre's Fulbright projects
- Event: University of the Arctic and its thematic networks a platform for Arctic cooperation
- Open Call: Arctic Five Fellows
- ARCTIC 6G - Developing 6G in northern Sweden and Finland
- The first Arctic strategy of the University of Oulu has been created
- Arctic 5 Chair Security Studies special seminar: "Hybrid Threats in the Arctic" held at the UiT Arctic University of Norway
- UArctic Rectors Meeting concluded in Monaco
- UArctic International Secretariat visits Thematic Networks and Research Liaison Office
- "Education, Equity and Inclusion - Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North" book launches were held at the University of Lapland and at the FERA Conference
- The second NOS-HS Exploratory workshop on Intersectional Gender Equality in Academia – Exploring Sustainable Futures in the Arctic North
- UArctic Research Chair Jeff Welker and colleagues receive funding for an interdisciplinary Academy of Finland Consortium Project
- American Arctic Connection intern wanted
- DeConcrete Closing Seminar
- Svalbard reindeer diet-switch from moss to grass supports reindeer population growth in the face of dramatic winter and summer climate changes in the High Arctic
- The first UArctic Chairs’ meeting held in Reykjavik
- New comprehensive review of wildlife infections in the Circumpolar Arctic
- Internet connectivity problems and their impact to people’s daily life, work and business in the northern Finland
- The 2nd Finland-India joint seminar held at the Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU)
- UArctic Research Chair is leading another Arctic Icebreaker Study. This time Aboard the I/B Oden ArtofMelt: Interactive Processes in the NE Greenland region
- The successful kick-off of the Nordforsk funded CLINF-Green project
- 2022 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on Arctic Research and Education
- Representing the Arctic internationally: Interview with Anne Husebekk, Kirsi Latola and Melody Brown Burkins
- UArctic welcomes four new Thematic Networks
- New UArctic Board Members
- Study visit to the Saami Education Institute and the Sámi Parliaments in Inari and Karasjok on May 24-25, 2022
- Fulbrighter Dr. Shaakir Dar is awarded an EU MSCA Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for studies in Finland
- Call for Papers Gender Studies Conference 2022: Feminist Matterings - Indigenous and Arctic Engagements
- Finnish-India joint Seminar: Perspectives on Indigenous and Tribal peoples from India and the Arctic
- Blog post: "Reindeer are far more important to the Sámi than most people realise!"
- Arctic and northern community governance: The need for local planning and design as resilience strategy
- Register now: Effects of the pandemic on the European Arctic and Indigenous Health
- Arctic Five Education project held workshop in Tromsø
- Gender studies conference 2022: Extended call for workshops to April 1st
- Call for workshops: Gender Studies Conference 2022
- Learning satellite on Indigenous and tribal peoples’ studies comparing the Arctic and India held on January 31 – February 3, 2022
- MOSAiC: The most extensive Arctic Research Expedition ever - Autumn 2019-Summer 2020
- Additional funding to the study of climate effects on human and animal health in the North
- Team of researchers: Not enough is known about the amount and effects of microplastics on foetuses and children – advice for parents, decision makers and companies
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 14: New Thematic Networks 2021
- Eating Plants to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change on Tundra
- Registration open: Online course “Arctic Inclusive Education”
- The Arctic Five 2021 call for Chairs
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 10: Health
- Online course “Arctic Inclusive Education” on spring term 2022 – registration is now open
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 9: Gender
- UArctic Project Call Results 2021 for Cooperation Activities on Research, Education and Outreach
- 2021 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on Arctic Research and Education
- ARCUS Webinar with Kirsi Latola: "UArctic Thematic Networks: A Tool for Joint Research and Education"
- Call for registration: ARCUS Webinar with Kirsi Latola - UArctic Thematic Networks: A Tool for Joint Research and Education
- The Arctic Health TN related project on healthy ageing NORRUS-AGE has published the new Policy Brief and digital brochure
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 12: Technology
- Online event: Nordic Dialogues - COVID-19 as a challenge for leadership in schools
- New Italian intern joins the UArctic Research Liaison and Thematic Networks Office in Oulu
- UArctic Research Chair’s Arctic Freshening and Fertilization expedition aboard the US Coast Guards HEALY icebreaker has now passed into the marginal ice zone 50 miles N of Barrow, AK
- UArctic Research Chair leads Arctic expedition using the US Coast Guard’s Healy Icebreaker
- Two postdoctoral researchers (3-year positions) in the Biodiverse Anthropocenes transdisciplinary research programme, the University of Oulu
- UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law launches a new project
- New publication on how reindeer grazing affects oligotrophic boreal forests
- A collaborative session of TN Arctic Health on healthy ageing at the ICASS X Congress 2021
- University Of Alaska Anchorage: Mysteries Of The Arctic's Water Cycle: Connecting The Dots
- UArctic welcomes seven new Thematic Networks
- Open positions at Oulu University
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 2: Focus on Education
- Project IPED held an online workshop Árran on contemporary Saami education and its research needs
- New Transdisciplinary Research Programme of the University of Oulu, Biodiverse Anthropocenes
- UArctic launches a series of videos focusing on its Thematic Networks
- Arctic 5G Test Network: How to solve Internet connectivity problems
- Arctic Five project group gathered together to develop joint online study course
- Call for interns at UArctic for fall 2021
- UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Telecommunications and Networking, member publication
- Increased, intensified and insightful collaboration among the universities
- Invitation to submit to the Special Issue "Advances in Climate Change and Arctic Health"
- Scotland’s Role and Contribution in a Changing Arctic Environment – a new Research Network Series
- Invitation to online survey on European Polar Research
- The new project on best practices in healthy ageing: Successful kick-off
- Participate in the 5G Technical Webinar arranged by the project Arctic 5G Test Network
- UArctic Chair's update: An Arctic Crystal Ball - Long-term Experiments as a Window into the New Arctic
- New project funding to the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law
- Arctic Tourism in Times of Change: Dimensions of Urban Tourism
- UArctic Thematic Network on Ageing and Gender in the Arctic received a new project on Ageing, gender and ethnicity (AGE-Arctic)
- Looking for Postdoctoral Researcher and Doctoral Student for Interacting Processes in Arctic Reindeer Systems Experiencing Rapid Climate Change
- UArctic Research Chair Postdoctoral Fellow Maria Väisänen awarded Maa- ja vesitekniikan tuki ry grant
- The UArctic Thematic Networks and Research Liaison Office welcomes a new intern
- Second call for papers: Northernness at NAF/NAAR Symposium 2020 and 12th Annual Symposium of Architectural Research 2020
- Video available: IARPC seminar on the Arctic Water Cycle to the Arctic Atmosphere Team
- UArctic Research Chair Postdoctoral Fellow Kaisa-Riikka Mustonen awarded Kone Foundation Fellowship
- Eight new Thematic Networks established in 2020
- UArctic Chair in the Arctic at Toolik Lake-Ancient C story
- Gender equality work goes on at the University of Oulu
- Umeå University hosted the fifth Arctic Five workshop
- Large loss of CO2 in winter observed across the northern permafrost region
- Greenland, Island of change: Ice sheet sourced rivers deliver ancient C and nutrients to the Arctic Ocean
- New book on Sámi Educational History
- A new intern has joined the UArctic Thematic Networks and Research Liaison Office
- The Arctic Five presents: "Challenges in times of change - Current research on ecology, sea and climate in the Arctic"
- Finnish-Japanese Summer School on Arctic Studies held at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
- New book supports further development of Sámi early childhood education
- MOSAiC, The largest Arctic scientific expedition starting now
- The third Arctic5 workshop concluded the successful "Joint Online Master Course on the Arctic Inclusive Pedagogy" project
- Arctic Tourism in Times of Change: Seasonality
- UArctic’s Board meets in Tromsø to focus on UArctic’s future and external relations
- The Arctic Five presents: How do we build climate-resilient societies in the Arctic? Online seminar
- UArctic participates in the Northern Dimension project “Development of the think tank functions of the Northern Dimension Institute”
- One Arctic – One Health Conference gathered researchers from the whole Circumpolar area
- Preparatory meeting on Finnish-Japanese Summer School on Arctic Studies held at Sapporo on 4-6 February 2019
- Public Symposium: Fulbright Arctic Research in Action on February 28, 2019, University of Oulu
- Arctic5 Arctic Inclusive Pedagogy Workshop held at the University of Lapland
- Call for application: Hokkaido University hosts Summer School on Arctic Studies 2019
- Inspired by the Arctic? Tenure Track Positions in Arctic Interactions Research
- Disturbing Tourism Season: Changing Demands, Changing Expectations Panel Discussion
- Call for papers: ISCORD 2019
- APECS and UArctic Workshop provided best practises on communicating science to policy makers and the public
- UArctic Chair Jeffrey Welker at the University of Oulu’s 2018-2019 Opening Ceremony
- Svalbard-Polar Night-Permafrost Feedbacks and Deeper Winter Snow
- Side event on Indigenous Languages in Urbanized areas drew attention at UArctic Congress 2018
- Call for papers: One Arctic – One Health Conference 2019
- Thematic Network on Teacher Education to develop a joint Online Study Course on Arctic Inclusive Pedagogy
- Danish intern joins the UArctic International Secretariat team
- Give us feedback on UArctic Congress 2018
- New programme to support Arctic research cooperation between Finland and Japan
- UArctic Congress 2018 Concludes in Finland
- Feedback on UArctic Congress 2018
- UArctic Congress 2018 is on the move!
- 21st Meeting of the Council of UArctic at UArctic Congress 2018
- UArctic Congress 2018 Declaration endorsed
- UArctic Congress 2018 Continues with Official Opening on Tuesday
- UArctic University Leadership Meets in Oulu
- UArctic Congress 2018 Kicks Off in Oulu
- UArctic Congress registration for Oulu is now closed
- UArctic Congress gift "Laukunleuka" - An Arctic Design Story
- The New Arctic Water Cycle and Sea Ice Changes
- UArctic Congress 2018: Career Workshop for Early Career Scholars invites applications
- University of Oulu and University of Eastern Finland organizing field course in Northern Ecosystems in Changing Climate
- Prominent speakers to address key themes at UArctic Congress 2018
- I warmly welcome you to Helsinki
- Russian-British cooperation in Arctic research
- Report: Workshop on developing guidelines for Arctic research ethics
- UArctic Chair Update - Reindeer-climate interactions and the consequences of husbandry practices on reindeer diets and subsequent meat quality
- UArctic Chair Update - The Arctic Water Isotope Cycle
- Eurodoc Conference 2018: "Research career - a living dream?"
- Prince Albert II of Monaco to open UArctic Congress 2018
- Northern perspective on tourism – University of Lapland launches a new master's degree programme
- Inaugural UArctic Research Chairship seeks a postdoctoral researcher
- Article: The Arctic region needs dialogue between local people and science
- UArctic organizing partner in High Altitudes Meet High latitudes: Globalizing Polar Issues
- Introducing the first UArctic Chair
- NPE symposium 2017 Political Arctic/Arctic Political, 26-27 September 2017
- Press Release: Inaugural UArctic Chair
- Call for papers: Language Contact in the Circumpolar World
- Danish intern joins the UArctic Research Liaison and Thematic Networks Office in Oulu
- Interconnected Arctic: Book based on UArctic Congress 2016 published
- Nine postdoctoral positions open at Thule Institute, University of Oulu
- Save the Date: UArctic Congress 2018
- UArctic renews agreement with the University of Oulu and welcomes new Vice-President Research Arja Rautio
- Visualizing Environmental Change exhibition opens in Tampere
- Postdoctoral Researcher position at UArctic Thematic Networks and Research Liaison Office (Thule Institute at the University of Oulu, Finland)
- New publication visualizes environmental change through photography
- Model Arctic Council 2017-2018 in Finland: Announcement and Survey
- SubZero network’s traveling exhibition “Visualizing Environmental Change”
- Historic UArctic Congress Concludes in St. Petersburg
- Recognitions at UArctic Congress 2016
- Students selected to the 2nd Arctic Academy in Korea
- Becoming a Research Scholar in Arctic Populations through a Networking Approach
- UArctic Road Trip in the Universities of Tampere and Helsinki
- Application period opening soon for master's degree programs at University of Oulu
- Beyond - Discovering the spatial scale of society-nature coevolution
- Great example of collaboration in northern tourism - Thematic Network meeting in Alta
- Registration open to new on-line course “The Changing Arctic”
- Pyhätunturi Excursion with the Arctic Studies Program, September 2015
- Fulbright Arctic Symposium, Oulu, Finland, 11 Feb 2016
- Funding awarded to Arctic Tourism Project
- Security and sustainable development were discussed at NArFU
- Internship opportunity for Danish, Faroese, and Greenlandic Students
- Our Common Future Under Climate Change - Outcome Statement
- Conference "Mobile Roots - Rethinking indigenous and transnational ties", 22-23 Oct 2015, University of Lapland, Finland
- The Barents and the Baltic Sea region: contacts, influences and social change
- The ICCH16 congress will focus on human health and well-being in the Arctic and northern areas
- Life-changing experiences in the North – Testimonials from young UArctic researchers
- Students selected to the Arctic Academy in Korea
- Five doctoral student positions open at Aurora DP, University of Oulu
- UArctic Day at the University of Oulu
- UArctic Seminar, 28th of May 2015, Hokkaido University, Japan
- NRF at ICARP III in Toyama, Japan on 29th of April 2015
- UArctic Day promotes Arctic Research, Education and Mobility
- Arctic Studies Program excursion to Pyhätunturi
- Visual Angles on Environmental Change
- Abstract submission for the 16th International Congress on Circumpolar Health
- Finnish - Japanese Symposium in Rovaniemi 5-7 November
- The EU in the Arctic, the Arctic in the EU
- UArctic strengthens cooperation with the University of Oulu
- UArctic and University of Oulu cooperate with Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
- Towards North seminar in Oulu, Finland, 29 Nov 2013
- MobilityDK report: Presenting PhD project in Nuuk, Greenland
- Call open for European-based research groups for research grants to two Canadian sites in the INTERACT network
- MobilityDK report: PhD summer school in Nuuk, Greenland
- Oovtâst – Together. New concepts, theories and methodologies on Saami studies
- Finland to lead the way in sustainable development in the Arctic region
- Seven Doctoral student positions open at Thule Institute, University of Oulu, Finland
- PhD Summer School, Nuuk, Greenland, 5th-9th September, 2013
- PhD Training coure on Health impact assessment and climate change
- Transnational Access call to INTERACT Boreal Stations for summer 2013 and winter 2013/2014 is open 1-28 February
- European Commission approves preparatory project for EU Arctic Information Centre
- New BCBU Multidisciplinary Dialogue Summer School publication
- Oulanka Research Station Director post now open
- Call for Applications: Master's Programme in Health and Wellbeing in the Circumpolar Area (MCH)
- Call for Applications: Master's degree in Comparative Social Work, University of Lapland
- Open PhD position at Thule Institute, University of Oulu
- SUSMP'12 International Conference on Sustainable Mineral Processing, University of Oulu, 10-13 Dec 2012
- Kastelli Symposium 2012
- Dissertation: Viewing regional climate variability in Svalbard through the lens of ice chemistry and statistics
- INTERACT Transnational Access: Call for Summer 2013 and Winter 2013/2014
- Thule Institute - Finnish and Japanese Environmental Research is introduced at the Symposium in Oulu and Kuusamo
- Registration open for PhD training course “Security in a changing world”, November 12 – 14, 2012, Oulu, Finland
- Successful workshop on new Arctic Health and Well-being PhD program held in Oulu
- Workshop on science and photography at Oulanka Research Station, Sept 3-7, 2012
- International summer school encourages multidisciplinary dialogue
- Arctic Research Receives Recognition from the European Commission
- Nordic Council of Ministers grants funding for UArctic PhD program on Arctic Health and Well-being
- Seminar "Securing Health and Well-being in the Circumpolar North" May 23-24, 2012 in Oulu, Finland
- University of Oulu and University of Lapland Thematic Network leads meeting
- SNOWTALKS, a PhD training course gathered Nordic students to Abisko Scientific Research Station
- Universities from northern Finland and northwest Russia step up cooperation
- First UArctic Master's Program Endorsements
- XXVll Nordic Hydrological Conference 13 - 15 August, 2012 in Oulu, Finland
- 15th International Congress on Circumpolar Health
- SNOWTALKS A PhD Training course on multidisciplinary issues related snow and climate change effects on it
- UArctic Research Office Board Executive holds first meeting.
- UArctic at EUPRIO 2011
- Call for proposals extended until 7th September, 2011: INTERACT Transnational Access
- Thule Institute reopens the call for Research Fellow in Sustainable Resource Management and Material Efficiency
- An MCH Student’s View on Health, the North and UArctic
- Summer Institute in Circumpolar Health Research (SICHR) Oulu, Finland, 13-17 June 2011
- International Network for Circumpolar Health Research (INCHR) Annual Meeting Oulu, Finland, 14-15 June 2011
- Barents Cross Border University - Cross Border Collaboration in Education Rectors' Meeting in Oulu, Feb 24, 2011
- Student registration open on Master’s course developed by Thematic Network on Global Change in the Arctic: Health, security and wellbeing in the North
- People in a Changing World PhD Course
- PhD training courses People in changing world, March 19-23, 2012, Abisko, Sweden
- Three Research Fellow Positions Available - Thule Institute, University of Oulu, Finland
- Registration Deadline Extended: The 7th International Kastelli Symposium “People in a Changing World” in Oulu, Finland on 18-19 November, 2010
- 7th International Kastelli Symposium and Pre-conference Course 15-19 Nov, 2010