University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
All News Articles
This month
- Call for papers: International and interdisciplinary conference
- Arja Rautio and Jan Borm participated in a lecture on "One Health in the Arctic"
- UArctic Regional Centre Continental Europe Established
- Thematic Network on Arctic Cultures and History at the conference "The Arctic in Eastern and Central Europe: Knowledge, Perception and Communication in 17th -19th century”
- Three-year PhD Scholarship in Arctic Humanities at the University Paris-Saclay, France
- New Publication: Representations of the West Nordic Isles: Greenland – Iceland – Faroe Islands
- Jean Malaurie, 1922-2024, R.I.P.
- Thematic Network ARCH workshop: “Arctic Indigenous and local food traditions in the past”
- UArctic Chairs workshop "One Health in the Arctic" took place at the University of Versailles in France on November 27-28, 2023
- International Workshop "Reindeer Stories" held in Inari, Finland
- Professor Jan Borm, UArctic Chair in Arctic Humanities, appointed Knight of the Order of the Legion of Honour
- The annual UArctic Chairs meeting held at Université Laval, Quebec, Canada
- New issue of the French journal Inter-Nord published
- Exhibition “Arctic Twilight, pastels by Jean Malaurie", University of Greenland
- Discussion on Paul Gaimard and his expeditions at the Annual Humanities Conference
- Video available: UArctic Chairs session “UArctic responses to climate change: research and education” at the Arctic Circle Assembly 2022
- UArctic Rectors Meeting concluded in Monaco
- Press release: UArctic Rectors meet in Monaco to deepen cooperation towards a sustainable Arctic
- Registration open to UArctic Rectors Meeting in Monaco, January 12-13, 2023
- Delving into shared Arctic interests and concerns
- Insightful perspectives and networking in Reykjavík
- The first UArctic Chairs’ meeting held in Reykjavik
- The Faroese chapter of the “La Recherche” Expedition Account by Xavier Marmier translated into English
- Mon projet nordique/My Northern Project Competition winners 2022
- Introducing the UArctic Chair Jan Borm
- Forthcoming book series: Arctic Humanities
- Video available: UArctic Rectors' meeting at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)
- UArctic Rectors meet in Versailles
- Reminder: UArctic Rectors’ meeting Versailles December 6, 2021
- UArctic Rector's Regional Forum, Versailles (France), Dec. 6, 2021
- Save the Date: UArctic Rectors’ meeting Versailles December 6, 2021
- Rectors Roundtable recording
- UArctic Rectors Roundtable, Online May 15, 2021
- Teacher Education Network webinar on Arctic polar vortex - Recording now published
- Network webinar on science in classroom