Thematic Networks
All Related News Articles
- Online meeting of the members of UArctic Thematic Network "Health and Well-being in the Arctic"
- The networking project on healthy ageing and outdoor environment: Mid-term workshop in Copenhagen
- Environmental stressors and zoonoses in the Arctic: Learning from the past to prepare for the future
- Thematic Network on Arctic Law at the NORSIL Seminar in Luleå
- The UArctic funded onsite postgraduate course “One Health in Northern Communities and Ecosystems” took place in Norway in June 2024
- Arctic Health related topics were broadly represented at the Arctic Congress 2024 Bodø
- The Arctic Health Network meeting in Copenhagen
- Arctic University Museum of Norway launches digital portal to zoological and botanical collections
- Call for Applications: Arctic Academy for Sustainability 2024
- Witnessing Climate Change film project in New York and Los Angeles
- Next-Generation Science Diplomat Committee
- Apply for Science Diplomacy Internship
- Organizing public relations visits in Northern Finland – Shedding light on organizations’ practices that make or brake the visit
- Nomadic Hub of Arctic Art Education camped in Karasjok, Norway
- Call for contributions: Relate North: New Genre Arctic Art Education Symposium & Exhibition
- Documentary film Dear Arctic now available online
- Increasing the visibility of environmental observations and Indigenous Knowledge for local and regional use in the Arctic
- Three-year PhD Scholarship in Arctic Humanities at the University Paris-Saclay, France
- Call for abstracts: Critical Arctic Studies symposium 2024
- Seminar: The importance of archives in decolonisation processes in the North and the role of international law
- Herbivory Network Workshop: Emerging priorities in terrestrial herbivory research in the Arctic
- New publication: Herbivore diversity effects on Arctic tundra ecosystems: a systematic review
- Nine Arctic Indigenous Filmmakers Selected for Witness 2024 Film Training and Mentorship Program
- New UArctic Publication: Arctic Research Trends, External Funding 2016-2022
- CAMS National Collaboration Programme Survey for Iceland: Air Quality and GHG monitoring products in Iceland and in the Arctic
- COIL@UArctic at the Arctic Congress Bodø 2024
- COIL@UArctic event "Collaborative Online International Learning in the Arctic" - Recording available
- Sustainability Days at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF)
- Publication: Rethinking connectivity in Arctic tourism development
- Mobilities on the Margins: Creative Processes of Place-Making
- Nipissing student returns from Finland with new understanding of sustainability in Arctic tourism
- European Union Science Diplomacy Working Group Initiative
- Master's Course "Arctic Extractive Industries and Local People"
- New Publication: Representations of the West Nordic Isles: Greenland – Iceland – Faroe Islands
- Call for Expression of Interest for UArctic Chairs
- The 18th International Congress on Circumpolar Health has been postponed
- Publication: Rewiring remote urban futures? Youth well-being in northern industry towns
- Kelman Seminar: Conflict or Common Interests? Negotiation Choices with Science Diplomacy
- PROTECT - Arctic Marine Workshop
- Collaborative Online International Learning Workshop
- Polar Winter School on Snow Measurements and Arctic Air Pollution
- Resource Available: Thematic Network on Collaborative Online International Learning and Biodiversity Education across the Arctic Circle (COIL@UArctic) Website
- Correspondence "Russia’s Arctic Council Threat Requires Lessons from Cold War Science Diplomacy" published in Nature
- Sustainable Teacher Education Empowering Arctic Futures (EAF 2024) Conference - Call for abstracts is now open
- Call for Papers and Participation: International Symposium on Combating Radicalization, Racism, and Hate Speech Against Immigrants
- High Latitude Dust emphasized at the WMO International Conference on Sand and Dust Storms in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Arctic Science Diplomacy: Charting a Path Through Conflict
- Critical Arctic Studies: a theory, a method or a perspective – or something else?
- Dynamics of Arctic Research Funding: Report “Arctic Research Trends: External Funding 2016–2022”
- Bi-monthly Workshop Announcement: Collaborative Online International Learning in the Arctic
- Registration open for a multidisciplinary, postgraduate 10 ECTS course on One Health in Northern Communities and Ecosystems!
- New video interviews from the Thematic Networks: Get to know the Leads
- Exhibition "Shifting Ground – Muuttuva maa" at the Rovaniemi Art Museum
- Thematic Network on Circumpolar Archives, Folklore and Ethnography (CAFE) members win large international grant to reserach indigenous heritage
- Seabed curtain project featured in the Guardian
- Op-ed article: "The Paradox of The Blue Economy"
- New Research Topic on Atmosphere-Cryosphere Interactions has been opened for papers in Frontiers in Earth Science
- Call for collaboration: Large scale study on herbivore diversity on tundra
- Join the 8th Workshop on High Latitude Dust 2024 with CAMS User Engagement session
- Thematic Network ARCH workshop: “Arctic Indigenous and local food traditions in the past”
- CAS Roundtable and Research Clinic: “Critical Arctic studies: a theory, a method, a perspective – or something else?”
- UArctic Chair Professor Kamrul Hossain lectured at the summer school on "Indigenous Rights, Responsibilities and Ethics"
- Arctic Indigenous Witness short films featured at Skábmagovat film festival
- Online talk: "Captive in a prone area? Landowner responsibility for preventing disaster risk in the built environment in Norway"
- COIL@UArctic event: Collaborative Online International Learning in the Arctic
- The multidisciplinary course in One Health team meeting: Keep an eye on the student Call to be out shortly
- Social Inclusion Special Issue: Expanding the Boundaries of Digital Inclusion: Perspectives From Network Peripheries and Non-Adopters
- Thematic Network on Northern Nursing Education at the 5th Nordic Conference in Nursing Research
- "Could giant underwater curtains slow ice-sheet melting?" News article in Nature
- Publication: "Relate North. Possible Futures"
- UArctic Thematic Network leads and project featured in New York Times article
- Northern and Arctic Island Studies Research strategy workshop held in St John’s, Canada
- Video on the plastic pollution in the Arctic
- COIL@UArctic Thematic Network Update
- Arctic Yearbook 2023: Arctic Indigenous Peoples: Climate, Science, Knowledge and Governance
- The 11th Volume of the Current Developments in Arctic Law released
- Thematic Network on Working in the Arctic held a meeting on "Arctic outdoor occupational health and safety in the changing climate"
- Publication: African dust transport and deposition modelling was verified through a successful citizen science campaign in Finland
- Call for contributions: Relate North: New Genre Arctic Art Education beyond Borders
- The 1.5-degree goal is out of reach. What's the plan now?
- Call for Abstracts for the Session “Embracing Diversity: The Future of Immigrant Communities in the Arctic” by Arctic Migration Thematic Network at the Arctic Congress Bodø 2024
- Call for Abstracts for the Session "Adaptive capacity of workplace in the changing Arctic" at the Arctic Congress Bodø 2024
- Call for Abstracts for the Session "Connecting the unconnected in the Arctic" at the Arctic Congress Bodø 2024
- Thematic Network on Arctic WASH Workshop: "Sanitation in Greenlandic Settlements"
- Call for Abstracts for the Session "Arctic Tourism Futures" at the Arctic Congress Bodø 2024
- Call for Papers: 8th International Polar Tourism Research Network (IPTRN) Conference
- Arctic Circle Assembly 2023 session on Arctic Science Diplomacy: The Next Generation - video now available
- Synthesis of the "Arctic Science and Technology Advice with Ministries" session from the Arctic Circle Japan Forum in March 2023 has been published
- Call for Nominations for the 2024 William Mills Prize for Non-fiction Polar Books
- ASAD Network’s Annual Relate North Exhibition at Umeå University
- Presentation on Saharan dust in the Finnish atmosphere and on the ground by Outi Meinander
- ASAD network’s annual Relate North symposium held at Umeå University
- Associate Professor Maria Huhmarniemi appointed as new vice-lead of Arctic Arts and Visual Culture Education
- Outi Meinander, Vice-Lead of the Thematic Network on High Latitude Dust, gave a presentation on Citizen Science at the 11th National Pyry Snow Seminar
- 19th UArctic Danish Realm members Caucus Meeting 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark
- Nurture: Living in the Landscape Publication and Exhibition 2023 launched
- International Social Work day: Involve your students!
- Call for Abstracts for the Session "Youth in the Arctic: Challenges and possibilities: Relationships and processes of participation and belonging"
- Publication: Sub-Arctic no more: Short- and long-term global-scale prospects for snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) under global warming
- Panel session at the Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference 2023
- Speaker Series: "Arctic Community-driven Education Program: From Research to Impact"
- Call for Abstracts for the Session "Intersectional Gender Equality within Academia - Exploring Sustainable Futures in the Arctic"
- Call for Papers: International Law and Displaced Archives in Arctic Countries
- Call for Abstracts for the Session "Educational innovation for the Circumpolar North" at the Arctic Congress Bodø 2024
- Northern and Arctic Islands workshop: Setting the Agenda
- Circumpolar Studies exemplar course proposals selected
- Blog post: Reflections on the first Critical Arctic Studies Symposium
- Læra Institute at 8th UK Arctic Science Conference
- Call for participation: 'Being Circumpolar' student symposium
- Breakout session of Thematic Network on Arctic Transport and Logistics at the Arctic Circle Assembly
- Blog post: "Renewable energy and Indigenous participation: the case of British Columbia"
- Blog post: "Connecting Energy Transitions Across The Arctic"
- Article: "Small Collections Remembered: Sámi Material Culture and Community-Based Digitization at the Smithsonian Institution"
- Publication: Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Arctic and Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern
- Arctic Urban Sustainability and the UN SDGs through the Lens of the Arctic Mayors’ Forum
- The 16th Polar Law Symposium 2023 held successfully in the Faroe Islands
- Breakout session at the Arctic Circle Assembly on Socio-Political dynamics of Inter-Polarity
- A Special Dossier about Ethnic minorities in the North published in Migration Letters
- NOMAD Indigenous FoodLab session at the Arctic Circle Assembly
- PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub Newsletter Issue #25 available
- Panel: "Shared Voices: Indigenous Languages and Land-based Education in Higher Education"
- Call for Applications: Arctic Innovation Lab
- PermaIntern certified the first permafrost internship supervisors
- Seizing the Potential: The Intensive Course as an Exceptional Opportunity for Students
- Publication: "Key elements of defensible space land use bylaw provisions in wildland-urban interface municipalities of Alberta, Canada"
- Online lecture: "Challenges and Solutions for Solid Waste Management in Urban Arctic"
- Saving the Frozen Arctic – A new assessment evaluates potential climate action measures and their feasibility
- The first Critical Arctic Studies Symposium, Rovaniemi, Finland
- Kamrul Hossain, UArctic Chair in Arctic Legal Research and Education, interviewed by Nepal Television
- The new project on healthy ageing and outdoor environment: Methodology workshop in Oulu
- University of Oulu hosted an exploratory workshop for representatives of three UArctic Thematic Networks
- Ilulissat Science Forum 2023
- Apply for Arctic Tectonics and Volcanism course at UNIS, Svalbard
- Dust hot spots of the Arctic: High Latitude Dust field campaigns 2023
- Publication: The 2018 Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean: Background, Motivations and Aspirations
- Position announcement: PhD fellowship investigating Fossil Meiofaunas from Baltoscandia and meiofaunal evolution
- The Arctic meets the Himalaya
- The 1st International Day to Combating Sand and Dust Storms
- UArctic Thematic Network on High Latitute Dust (HLD) publications 2023
- Starlink feasibility measurements conducted by the 6G Flagship team
- Kick-off meeting of the UArctic TN on High Latitude Dust
- Publication: Geometric morphometrics of macro- and meiofaunal priapulid pharyngeal teeth provides a proxy for studying Cambrian “tooth taxa”
- Position announcement: Associate Professor in Border Studies
- New project ACCESS organises a conference on educational sciences on September 18-20, 2024
- The First Ever Inter-Polar Conference: Connecting the Arctic with the Third Pole, held on 6-9 September in Kathmandu, Nepal
- National Snow Seminar, Helsinki, Finland
- Second Læra Institute faculty workshop
- Alaska Geology Field Excursion, September 2023
- Virtual Exhibition: "RUOKTOT - The Return of the Sámi Drums"
- Book release: Arctic Law in 1000 Words
- Professor Glen Coutts re-elected as president of the International Society for Education through Art
- Job call: Director of the Thule Institute of the University of Oulu
- Arctic research grows and strengthens international cooperation
- Workshop in Iceland to conclude the three-year Age-Arctic project
- Save the date: Webinar "International cooperation on research on human health and well-being in the Arctic"
- Workshop updates: Circumpolar Maternal and Child Health discussed the ‘Values Based and Culture Informed Health Services and Research in Circumpolar Maternal Health’
- Moore and Mettiäinen as invited speakers at Arctic Momentum event in Helsinki, organized by youth NGO Operaatio Arktis
- Publication: "Climate change adaptation: How short-term political priorities trample public well-being"
- Thematic Network DALAM presented for 3000 library professionals around the world
- Nordplus Horizontal funding for the development of New Genre Arctic Art Education
- Relate North Symposium - Exploring Beyond Borders
- Thematic Network on Critical Arctic Studies held a roundtable "Exploring critical approaches in Arctic studies"
- Fourth Living in the Landscape summer school examines forests
- International Workshop "Reindeer Stories" held in Inari, Finland
- COIL@UArctic Thematic Network is looking for existing COIL projects organised by UArctic members
- The leaders and members of the Thematic Network on Ageing and Gender in the Arctic have published a book from Routledge
- Webinar: Exploring future 5G/6G opportunities
- Collaboration between Art and Science in Forest Nature Restoration Project
- Routledge Handbook of Polar Law published
- Arctic 6G project meeting held in Oulu, Finland
- 3rd Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Impact Week
- Hyytiälä Autumn School 2023 “Analysis of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions and Feedbacks”
- Kick-off project meeting to strengthening circumpolar network in Arctic health research
- Professor Jan Borm, UArctic Chair in Arctic Humanities, appointed Knight of the Order of the Legion of Honour
- Arctic Yearbook Special Volume Virtual Launch
- A workshop to develop the Master’s course in One Health in Northern Communities and Ecosystems
- Call for Papers: Volume 11 of Current Developments in Arctic Law 2023
- Exploring Arctic Sustainability: Enhancing Resilience, Addressing Land Degradation and Permafrost Thaw through Indigenous Youth Empowerment
- Blog: From Aberdeen to Tromsø: northern perspectives on/in the north
- International EISCAT Radar School, Kilpisjärvi, Finland
- Thematic Network on Working in the Arctic receives funding for "Arctic outdoor occupational health and safety in the changing climate" project
- The Science Diplomacy Center™ has launched its new website
- Thematic Network on Decolonization of Arctic Library and Archives Metadata (DALAM): report of the activities
- Exploring energy transition in the Arctic
- Blog post: "The hidden cost of the energy transition in the Arctic: the impacts of wind power development on Sámi rights"
- Call for collaboration: Emerging priorities in terrestrial herbivory research in the Arctic
- A Seminar on "Indigenous Peoples and Sustainability" at the Queen Mary University of London
- Call for proposals: Circumpolar Studies exemplar courses
- Developing a permafrost internship service – strengthening the link between higher education and working-life
- UArctic Chair Kamrul Hossain gave a keynote speech on protecting Indigenous peoples' traditional knowledge
- 9th Korea Arctic Academy held in Busan and online
- Open call: Indigenous Youth Training Program: Exploring Arctic Sustainability
- Perspectives from Arctic WASH: Luxury Tourism in Remote Greenland
- Register now: Global Indigenous Youth Summit on Climate Change
- Perspectives from Arctic WASH: Dry Toilets in Lillehytte
- Perspectives from Arctic WASH: Challenges and Opportunities in Itilleq
- 2023 UArctic Project Call Results for Indigenous & Northern Collaborative Research & Education and Relationship Development Initiatives
- Thematic Network on Arctic WASH hosts summer school in Sisimiut, Greenland
- Workshop on Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Power Electronics held in Narvik, Norway
- Arctic Indigenous Film Event "Climate Actions-Future Changes" held in April 2023
- "Arctic Indigenous Witness Films" event focused on the Indigenous filmmakers' work in their communities
- Sámi and Arctic Indigenous producers in Marhcé du Film, Cannes 2023
- 2023 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on UArctic Research and Education
- Reminder: Call for abstracts for the Inter-Polar Conference
- PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub Newsletter Issue #24 available
- Sue Grimmond and Larry Mahrt receive the Zilitinkevich Memorial Award 2023
- "Towards Global Earth Observatory workshop" organized on 8 - 10 May 2023 in Hyytiälä, Finland
- HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco visited Värriö Research Station
- 8th International Polar Tourism Research Network Conference
- UArctic at Nor-Shipping 2023
- Arctic REIHN Tabletop exercise – handling of the damaged nuclear-powered vessel
- Members of TN in Arctic Health received funding to start a new project in healthy ageing theme
- 2023 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on Arctic Research and Education
- Members of the Arctic Health network at the 'Species on the Move 2023' Conference
- UArctic welcomes new Thematic Networks
- Publication: Denial and discretion as a governance process: How actor perceptions of risk and responsibility hinder adaptation to climate change
- Blog: The land of a 1000 lakes nourishes the mind…
- UArctic Assembly 2023 - Day 2: Key Decisions
- TN Arctic Health invites to join the Maternal and Child Health Workshop by Zoom
- International Workshop on Technologies for Sustainable Development
- Seminar on Indigenous Rights at the University of Lapland
- Extended Deadline: Call for abstracts, Second International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region
- Conference: Art, Community, and Identities in the Arctic – Best Practices for Children, Young People, and Families
- Læra Institute at 25th Arctic Science Summit Week
- Job call: Professor of Law, specializing in sustainability transition
- Project DistARCTIC held successful online workshop focused on pedagogical practices in rural education
- UArctic Thematic Networks and Institutes Leadership Team Meeting held in Rovaniemi, Finland
- Call for participation: Circumpolar Studies Curriculum Development faculty workshop
- Publication: Scientific paper based on UArctic Summer school 2022 on Arctic plastic pollution
- First high-level WHO mission to Greenland
- Workshop: Decolonising Nordic Archives
- Maisemassa / Living in the Landscape Exhibition
- The First Inter-Polar Conference: Connecting the Arctic with the Third Pole
- Graduate Seminar on Climate Change and Resilience in the North, April 19, 2023
- The Relate North 10 Virtual Exhibition
- Relate North #9 published
- Call for proposals: Relate North symposium and exhibition 2023 – Beyond Borders
- Webinar: Reflections from the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons from Social Work Practice and Research
- ADVOST project held a four-day conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
- Anthropology Conference 2023: Day 2 and 3
- Anthropology Conference 2023: Day 1
- Interdisciplinary permafrost workshop in Longyearbyen, Svalbard
- Thematic Network on Northern and Arctic Island Studies Reseach held a virtual knitting and storytelling event "Yarns and Yarns"
- Reminder: Call for Papers: Critical Arctic Studies Symposium 2023
- UNPFII New York Arctic Indigenous Film Side Event
- "It's not a miracle: Teacher preparation and teaching in Finland" speech by Tuija Turunen
- Save the date: Climate change and green transition as global challenges for science and society - 2nd ACCC Impact Week
- Calotte Academy 2023 - Second Call for Papers
- A Panel Session at the Arctic Circle Japan Forum: The Cryosphere: Legitimizing the links between the Arctic and the Third Pole
- Open call: The Witness Series – New Opening with Telefilm Canada and AIFF
- Register now: HAI-FES International Workshop "Building bridges between Arctic and non-Arctic"
- Not so Poles Apart: The Arctic and the Third Pole in Asia
- Announcement: Research and Values Based Health Services and Culture Informed Care in Circumpolar Maternal Health
- Graduate Seminar on Climate Change and Resilience in the North, February 27, 2023
- Arctic Circle Japan Forum: Program is now out
- Apply for the Arctic WASH Summer school: Water, Sanitation and Health in the Arctic
- University of Lapland hosted Governor General of Canada and President of the Republic of Finland in Arktikum
- Call for Papers: Critical Arctic Studies Symposium 2023
- Register now: Arctic Security, Borders, and Immigration Webinar
- Event: University of the Arctic and its thematic networks a platform for Arctic cooperation
- ARCTIC 6G - Developing 6G in northern Sweden and Finland
- Apply now for summer school: Living in the landscape
- Call for Abstracts: "Post-anthropocentric approaches to Arctic International Relations"
- Save the date and call for abstracts: Second International Symposium on Plastic Pollution in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions
- Call for Contributions: Relate North: Possible Futures
- Looking for partners: COIL@UArctic Thematic Network proposal
- Alaska Biennial artists talk: Thomas Chung, David Joel and Lauren Standford
- Useful study-exchange in experience-based master program
- Proposals for New UArctic Thematic Networks Welcomed by February 28th, 2023
- Thematic Network on Working in the Arctic holds a session at the Arctic Frontiers 2023 Conference
- Arctic Five Chair in Occupational Medicine focuses on the occupational health challenges and solutions in the Arctic and subarctic regions
- PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub Newsletter Issue #23 available
- Article “Permafrost Thaw and Adapting to its Multiple Effects in the Arctic» published online in the Arctic Yearbook 2022
- Call for nominations: Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award
- Submissions call: 16th Polar law Symposium
- Registration open: Global Indigenous Youth Summit on Climate Change
- Relate North 10: Possible Futures virtual symposium
- Call for Abstracts: Arctic Yearbook 2023
- New open access publication: Education, Equity and Inclusion – Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North
- UArctic International Secretariat visits Thematic Networks and Research Liaison Office
- Webinar "Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in a post-Covid-19 New Future" is now published
- Global Indigenous Youth Summit on Climate Change
- Reindeer Husbandry – Adaptation and Resilience to a Changing Arctic
- Using local and scientific knowledge in resource management: Workshop in Aasiaat
- International lecture series on different approaches to Arctic research
- Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 Montréal Side-event: Promoting knowledge and rights of Arctic Indigenous Peoples through Community-Based Monitoring
- Aker Solutions explores engineering solutions with UArctic to slow melting of glaciers
- Arctic Sustainable Art and Design TN (ASAD) has received funding for the development of its activities in 2023-2025
- Call for participation: Scotland Model Arctic Council 2
- Recording of the panel discussion "Education, Equity and Inclusion: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North" published
- The 10th Volume of the Current Developments in Arctic Law (CDAL) is out
- “Decolonizing futures”: Book launching seminar held at Uppsala University
- Successful UArctic Thematic Network on Northern and Arctic Island Studies Research meetings
- The Nordic Social Work Research Conference: Social work in changing times: Challenges and new opportunities
- Living in the Landscape summer school 2022: Dwellers in the Landscape - Exhibitions and catalogue published 28th of November 2022
- Blog: From Iceland to Scotland: exploring inclusive education across contexts
- "Education, Equity and Inclusion - Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North" book launches were held at the University of Lapland and at the FERA Conference
- Læra Institute at UW civic education project workshop
- Call for applications: Arctic Academy for Sustainability 2023
- Arctic Yearbook 2022 published
- Saving Antarctica's Ice – Discussion with John Moore, David Wadhams and Paul Beckwith
- DeConcrete Closing Seminar
- Successful funding decision for a new project called “New Northern Pedagogies: Conversations across the Arctic”
- A Seminar discussed the Arctic dimensions of human rights
- ASAD Network’s Annual Research Symposium & Exhibition "Relate North 10: Possible Futures"
- Reindeer Husbandry Conference 2022
- Final scientific meeting of the joint research project MAREC: The inter-organizational coordination of mass rescue operations in complex environments
- "Sherpas Amidst the Mist" – a documentary film showcasing Yak herding in the Third Polar region
- Graduate Seminar on Climate Change and Resilience in the North
- Overview on “Newly identified climatically and environmentally significant high-latitude dust sours”
- Experiences from an international workshop on Indigenous youth leadership
- PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub Newsletter Issue #22 - September 2022
- FP Award winners: “We care about how the society we are living in is functioning”
- Project progress: The ConnectED Project
- Seminar on Human Rights and Security Environment: Arctic dimensions
- UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law organized an academic session at the 15th Polar Law Symposium
- UArctic's Thematic Network on Arctic Migration event: Immigrants in European Higher Education
- Successful completion of the PhD course on Arctic Perspectives on COVID-19
- Civic Education for the Circumpolar North visit at the University of Lapland and the UArctic Secretariat
- TN on Critical Arctic Studies: Arctic self-portraits
- Northern Political Economy Symposium 2022: Making sense of the Arctic world in turmoil
- New comprehensive review of wildlife infections in the Circumpolar Arctic
- Fostering resilience and adapting to climate change in the Canadian North
- Internet connectivity problems and their impact to people’s daily life, work and business in the northern Finland
- Report on graduate education conducted by UArctic Thematic Networks during 2005-2021 released
- Project activity: Digital North: Three-Dimensional Technologies and Arctic Education
- UArctic at the 2022 Arctic Circle Assembly
- Verdde – a Mutually Beneficial Exchange
- Learning about Arctic plastic pollution in Nuuk
- A community-driven education program on climate change in the Arctic
- The successful kick-off of the Nordforsk funded CLINF-Green project
- Press release: Advance resilience in Arctic communities
- Second Call for papers: Northern Political Economy Symposium 2022: Making sense of the Arctic world in turmoil
- The application deadline for the Arctic Health related PhD course is extended to September 5 2022 and in hybrid format
- PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub Newsletter Issue #21 available
- Call for Papers: Current Developments in Arctic Law (CDAL), Volume 10 (2022)
- Apply for the Indigenous Youth Leadership workshop
- "Arctic Pandemics" Arctic Yearbook Special Volume: Call for Abstracts/Proposals
- Webpages for the new Thematic Networks launched
- DALAM Thematic Network holds first Workshop
- New publication on Arctic migration
- Call for papers: Northern political economy symposium 2022: Making sense of the Arctic world in turmoil
- Invitation for Collaborative Research on Public International law and Arctic/Antarctic Legal & Policy Issues with JSPS Fellowship - Academic Year 2023
- Study visit to the Saami Education Institute and the Sámi Parliaments in Inari and Karasjok on May 24-25, 2022
- Finnish-India joint Seminar held on 27 May 2022
- Invitation to the PhD course in Nuuk and Nunamed conference
- Call for applications: Arctic Academy for Sustainability 2022
- Recruitment for salaried positions at the University of Lapland completed
- Shahnaj Begum received 3-year Academy of Finland funded Post-doctoral position
- The release of the two special issues of Nordicum-Mediterraneum (NoMe)
- Finnish-India joint Seminar: Perspectives on Indigenous and Tribal peoples from India and the Arctic
- Introducing "Communicating UArctic impact" video series
- Winners of the The UArctic Photo Competition: Arctic Polarities 2022
- Building CAS community
- Invitation to contribute: Ethnic minorities in the North: contemporary challenges for human geography
- Summer School on “ Formation and growth of atmospheric aerosols ” on 8-19 August, 2022 in Hyytiälä, Finland
- Arctic Five Education project held workshop in Tromsø
- PEEX and Digital Belt and Road Programmes’ collaboration meeting
- Call for nomination for the 2nd Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award
- PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub Newsletter March 2022 published
- Call for TN Brainstorming: How to maintain peace, stability and constructive cooperation in the Arctic?
- Calotte Academy 2022 - Call for Papers
- Critical Arctic Studies: first network blog published
- Call for Applications: Scientific research cooperation between China and (Northern) Europe under the Polar Silk Road
- Two Post-Doctoral Positions: Arctic Centre at the University of Lapland
- Engaging Northern Communities using Arts-based Methods: Talk and Screening
- Webinar: What is Bioregioning and how is it useful? Insights from early career researchers and practitioners
- Introducing the UArctic Chair David G. Anderson
- Introducing the UArctic Chair Tuija Turunen
- Introducing the UArctic Chair Timo Jokela
- Introducing the UArctic Chair Kamrul Hossain
- Introducing the UArctic Chair Odd Jarl Borch
- Call for contributions to the new CAS blog
- Call for Abstracts & Proposals: COVID-19 in the Arctic Assessment Report
- Learning satellite on Indigenous and tribal peoples’ studies comparing the Arctic and India held on January 31 – February 3, 2022
- A new "Arctic Academy for Sustainability" has been launched
- "NORRUS-AGE" – Invitation to the Final Workshop of the project on healthy ageing in the Arctic, March 1
- Additional funding to the study of climate effects on human and animal health in the North
- "Ageing in the Arctic" - Closing the project with online conference on February 23
- Extended deadline: Relate North - Everyday Extremes book
- Team of researchers: Not enough is known about the amount and effects of microplastics on foetuses and children – advice for parents, decision makers and companies
- A protocol for conducting a systematic review on the effects of herbivore diversity on tundra ecosystems
- Book “Relate North: Distances" now published
- Webinar Series - Enhancing International Scientific Cooperation: Arctic Science and Technology Advice with Ministries
- Call for Abstracts: Arctic Yearbook 2022
- TN Arctic Sustainable Resources and Social Responsibility Podcast: Reflections on the research week
- PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub Newsletter available
- Inspiring research stay at UiT in Tromsø and Finnmarken
- Improved Water Access and Sanitary Conditions in Rural Arctic Settlements
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 14: New Thematic Networks 2021
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 13: Economy
- Book release: Renewable Economies in the Arctic
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 11: Law and politics
- Call for papers: The Yearbook of Polar Law
- The 9th Volume of the Current Developments in Arctic Law (2021) is released
- Call for contributions: Relate North - Everyday Extremes
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 10: Health
- UArctic summer school on Plastic in the marine Arctic – from sources to solutions
- The “Ageing and Gender in the Arctic” Thematic Network hold an international project workshop in the Finnish Lapland
- Online course “Arctic Inclusive Education” on spring term 2022 – registration is now open
- Seminar: Strengthening Region-building through Multilevel Governance and Interregional Cooperation: Urban Sustainability through the Arctic Mayors Forum: Part 1
- Online workshop “The development of sustainable cruise industry in the Pacific Arctic: Past developments and future prospects”
- Invitation to an open virtual roundtable "Language Hegemony in Arctic Research"
- Reminder: The UArctic Photo Competition: Arctic Polarities 2022
- North2north meeting in Kautokeino
- Building bridges in the Arctic: Arkhangelsk
- Arctic films in Iceland: "Indigenous stories have to be seen and heard"
- PhD course on new technologies and local perspectives in Arctic health research at Ilisimatusarfik completed
- Article: Global collaboration in the circular economy via UArctic Thematic Network on Circular Economy
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 9: Gender
- RELATE NORTH 2021 Virtual Exhibition Everyday Extremes open
- Annual RELATE NORTH symposium arranged on-line by Tomsk State University
- Calotte Academy in-person travelling symposium
- TN Bioregional Planning for Resilient Rural Communities Kick-off Webinar - recording available
- Research fellow position available at Nord University - risk and emergency management
- Greetings from the UArctic Thematic Network on Circular Economy
- John Loxley PhD. Scholarship For Research on Community Economic Development in the Canadian North
- ARCSAR joint emergency preparedness exercise focuses on oil spills in the High Arctic
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 8: Indigenous issues
- "I research how the Canadian First Nations of British Columbia reconnect with their land": video training by Giuseppe Amatulli
- "I ensure that sustainability is implemented fairly for the Sami people": video training by Dorothée Cambou
- Book Launch Event “Community-Based Monitoring in the Arctic” at the Greenland Science Week
- Online Young Scientist School MEGAPOLIS-2021 on "Multi-Scales and -Processes Integrated Modelling, Observations and Assessment for Environmental Applications"
- ARCUS Webinar with Kirsi Latola: "UArctic Thematic Networks: A Tool for Joint Research and Education"
- Empowering Communities through Local Monitoring
- Invitation to a two-part workshop on Arctic and sub-Arctic crab markets and research
- Online Seminar: “Cross-border interregional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region as a driver for the development of the Russian Far East and the Asian Arctic”
- Open webinar on northern tourism: the past, the present, and the possibilities
- Call for Nominations: Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 6: Climate change
- PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub Newsletter September 2021 available
- ACCC Impact Week: Designing science-based solutions for clean air & safe climate, 7-10 December 2021
- Call for participation: Model Arctic Council 2022
- Invitation to join the First Working Meeting of Thematic Network on Bioregional Planning for Resilient Rural Communities
- The Arctic Health TN related project on healthy ageing NORRUS-AGE has published the new Policy Brief and digital brochure
- Online event: Nordic Dialogues - COVID-19 as a challenge for leadership in schools
- Special Session "Human Adaptation in the Changing Arctic"
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 5: Culture and Art
- Call for papers: The 9th International Kant-Bakhtin Seminar
- Exhibition: Winners of the UArctic Photo Competition "Arctic Polarities", Arktikum, Rovaniemi
- New Italian intern joins the UArctic Research Liaison and Thematic Networks Office in Oulu
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 4: Focus on Social Sciences (2/2)
- Online Seminar: Sustainable regional development, international cooperation and the protection of the Arctic environment
- Apply a new PhD course "New Technology and Community Perspectives in Arctic Health Research" 13-15 Nov 2021 in Nuuk and online
- XXVI International Congress of Entomology, Helsinki, Finland, July 17-22, 2022
- Call for Papers: Current Developments in Arctic Law (CDAL), Volume 9 (2021)
- Northern Political Economy Symposium 2021: 2nd call for papers
- Network webinar on advancing small children’s voice and agency
- IPED project organised a successful workshop on the future of Sámi education
- New UAA course on GIS skills for One Health and Public Health Professionals
- PhD Students support during COVID-19 times. Experiences of the doctoral students from the Faculty of Law, University of Lapland
- UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law launches a new project
- Two new project grants awarded to UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education
- Call for abstracts: 14th Polar Law Symposium
- Successful funding decision for Global Media Education project
- The 2nd World Forum on Climate Justice online, 21-23 September 2021
- A collaborative session of TN Arctic Health on healthy ageing at the ICASS X Congress 2021
- The UArctic Law Thematic Network at the 10th ICASS Conference
- The UArctic Photo Competition: Arctic Polarities 2022
- Open webinar on Arctic safety and security networking
- Online workshop: Árran and Uvssot: Contents and visions for future Sámi education
- New Book “On the margins of digitalization: The social construction of older people and the Internet”
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 3: Focus on Social Sciences
- The 30 years Anniversary of the Calotte Academy
- Paul Arthur Berkman receives Fulbright Arctic Chair 2021-2022 to Norway
- UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education held three sessions on UArctic Congress
- Living in the Landscape spring school virtual Exhibition now open
- Call for contributions for Relate North 2021: Everyday Extremes - 9th Annual Symposium & Exhibition
- Work and Health in the Arctic session at the UArctic Congress 2021
- UArctic TN on Health and Well-being, NDI Think Tank action project, and the project NORRUS-AGE joint effort to host a session at the UArctic Congress 2021
- "Working in the Arctic" Thematic Network members will conduct a study within the "Arctic Floating University - 2021"
- UArctic welcomes seven new Thematic Networks
- Launch of the UArctic Læra Institute for Circumpolar Education
- The first completed pilot course brought the Arctic Five project together to discuss the future steps
- Project IPED held an online workshop Árran on contemporary Saami education and its research needs
- The Morning Watch journal published a special issue on Education in the Circumpolar North
- Invitation to Webinar on the Impact of Climate Change in the Arctic
- The ADVOST project held an inspiring two-day workshop discussing children's voice and story
- UArctic launches a series of videos focusing on its Thematic Networks
- Online multidisciplinary Living in the landscape school
- CASES Academic Conference 2021
- PEEX Pan-Eurasian Experiment Online Meeting
- China & The Arctic: A View to 2050
- Arctic 5G Test Network: How to solve Internet connectivity problems
- Arctic Five project group gathered together to develop joint online study course
- Webinar: Winners and Losers from Rapid Arctic Change
- Apply now for Arctic WASH online Summer School, June 2021
- Measuring herbivory across the tundra from plots to landscapes
- Successful Thematic Network on Teacher Education Symposium at Arctic Science Summit Week 2021
- Teacher Education Network webinar on Arctic polar vortex - Recording now published
- Online workshop "The achievements, advancement and recognition of Sámi education" - Registration is now open!
- Wilson Center Webinar: Realities of Life in the 49th State
- UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Telecommunications and Networking, member publication
- The Arctic Environmental Responsibility Index – oil and gas better than mining?
- Local-scale Climate Resilience seminar series focuses on the climate change impacts and responses in the Arctic
- Network webinar on science in classroom
- Increased, intensified and insightful collaboration among the universities
- Online seminar: Japan-Russia Interregional Cooperation in the Arctic and North – Theory and Practice
- PhD position in terrestrial ecology, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Iceland
- Postdoctoral position open in Tromsø
- PhD position at the Agricultural University of Iceland
- Call for contributions: Relate North 2021 - Distances
- Open position at University of Lapland: Professor of Education with focus on Arctic perspectives
- Project ADVOST published an article about teachers experiences in the frontline of the COVID pandemic
- New Opportunities for Arctic Science, Policy, and Diplomacy in the Biden Administration
- Northern Food Innovation Challenge
- Two Arctic Postdoctoral Researcher positions at the University of Eastern Finland
- Call for Applications: Field School on "Sustainable Nursing in the Circumpolar North"
- Webinar "Social work teaching 2021: Where do we go from here?"
- Final Report of "Coming of Age in Exile" (CAGE) project
- Proposals for New UArctic Thematic Networks Welcomed by February 28th, 2021
- Call for Abstracts: Arctic Yearbook 2021
- Læra Institute for Circumpolar Education Call for Participation in Online Workshop
- Nord University Centre for High North Logistics granted NOK 7,5 million for research
- Climate Justice in the Arctic: A Critical and Interdisciplinary Climate Research Agenda
- Climate Justice in the Arctic: an emerging research agenda
- UArctic Thematic Network on Ageing and Gender in the Arctic - network activities in November 2020
- Scientists from the US, Europe, Russia and China discussed challenging Arctic questions
- Online workshop: Multilevel Governance and Interregional Cooperation: Vol.1 – The Pacific Arctic
- Stomping in silence: Conceptualizing trampling effects on soils in polar tundra
- Volume 8 of the Current Developments in Arctic Law released!
- Event: Arctic Telecommunications & Data Infrastructure: Quintillion's Solution for North America, Dec. 14, 2020
- Webinar: Examining the Food-Energy-Water Nexus through the Lens of Renewable Energy in Remote Alaska Communities, December 14, 2020
- UArctic Thematic Network on POPs and Chemicals of Emerging Concern in the Asian Arctic TN-PCAA - eWorkshop 2020
- The newest Thematic Network on Teacher Education newsletter published
- Arctic Circle VIRTUAL dialogues now available
- Digital Science Released the State of Open Data 2020 Report
- Digital Tabletop Exercise in Maritime Nuclear Emergency Preparedness at Nord University
- Workshop brought researchers together to talk about indigenizing education
- Anders Oskal of EALÁT Institute featured on The New York Times Style Magazine
- Academy of Finland selected the Atmospheric and Climate Competence Center as one of the 4 funded Finnish Flagships
- Arctic State Institute of Culture and Art virtual event "Keepers of the World Cold"
- Routledge Handbook of Arctic Security
- Arctic Yearbook 2020 published
- The Global Arctic Today: The First Arctic Circle Mission Council Broadcast - full video available
- IV International Forum of Creative Industries of the Arctic Region, online, November 25-28, 2020
- Arctic 5G Test Network: Questionnaire about Arctic Connectivity still open
- Scientific work for 6G communication has been started
- Participate in the 5G Technical Webinar arranged by the project Arctic 5G Test Network
- 13th Polar Law Symposium 2020 online
- New project funding to the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law
- UArctic Teacher Education Network invites presentation abstracts to a session in ASSW2021 - Call for Abstracts open now
- New book published: "Integrative Biological Control: Ecostacking for Enhanced Ecosystem Services"
- Launch of the UArctic Læra Institute for Circumpolar Education
- Project IPED invites participants in online workshop on Indigenizing education - Registration is now open
- PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub Newsletter October 2020 available
- Arctic Tourism in Times of Change: Dimensions of Urban Tourism
- UArctic Thematic Network on Ageing and Gender in the Arctic received a new project on Ageing, gender and ethnicity (AGE-Arctic)
- Network webinar on Pre-Service Teachers’ Experiences of Learning to Enact Inclusive Pedagogy
- All-Russian Scientific-Practical Online Conference "Languages and Literature of the Peoples of the North-East of Russia: Current State and Development Prospects"
- The Arctic Resilience Forum begins with focus on Indigenous Youth Leadership
- UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education held its first network development meeting
- UArctic Thematic Network on Ocean Food Systems receives funding for the project "Network for Aquaculture Education in the Arctic"
- Arctic Five Workshop: Remote Learning and Strategies for Success
- Call for Papers: Special Issue on Social Work at the time of Covid-19
- A new intern joins UNITWIN/UNESCO Network and UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education
- Short Report about Covid-19 impacts on UArctic Thematic Networks and Institutes published
- Free online One Health course organised by the Center for One Health Research of the University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Students Barents Rescue exercise held at NORDLAB
- Two new books on emergency preparedness and crisis management as spin-off's from the MARPART and MAREC projects
- New video lecture on decolonizing and restoration available
- The UArctic Thematic Networks and Research Liaison Office welcomes a new intern
- Save the date: Online workshop on indigenizing education
- Thematic Network on Teacher Education Newsletter August 2020 published
- Unit for Gender Studies received supplementary funding from North Calotte Council
- The annual RELATE NORTH symposium and exhibition cancelled
- Thematic Network on Arctic Law: four new books released
- UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity celebrates 5 years
- PEEX Arctic Boreal Hub newsletter published
- TN on Teacher Education: First blog post in the network blog published
- One Arctic, One Health Fact Sheet published
- Biodiversity and Human Health: What's a holistic approach to good health?
- INTERACT guide for facilitating local adaptation to environmental change
- Updates about Migration in the North 2020 Conference
- International Arctic Summer School at Harbin Institute of Technology
- Call for Papers from Thematic Network on Arctic Law
- Call for abstracts: A new edited book on Social Aspects of Aging in Indigenous Communities
- Second call for papers: Northernness at NAF/NAAR Symposium 2020 and 12th Annual Symposium of Architectural Research 2020
- Thematic Network on Arctic WASH (Water, Sanitation and Health) invites for online summer-school in June 2020
- Open webinar: Embedded ePortfolio in a Bachelor of Education
- Webinar on Greenlandic primary school system - Recording available
- Seminar and book launch event on Indigenous Pedagogy held at University of Lapland - Recording available
- Eight new Thematic Networks established in 2020
- PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub Newsletter March 2020 now available
- Students participate in Fourth Model Arctic Council
- Gender equality work goes on at the University of Oulu
- Umeå University hosted the fifth Arctic Five workshop
- Calotte Academy 2020: Second Call for Papers & Extended Deadline
- Open seminar on Indigenous Languages at University of Lapland
- Registration is open for the Arctic Migration Conference
- The seminar on Infrastructure Development and Sustainable Use of the Arctic Ocean was held at the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland
- Next Arctic Arts Summit in Canada in 2021
- Launch of the Arctic Policies and Strategies Scientific Report
- Sustainable Tourism Development in the Nordic Arctic Workshop
- Local Summit “Contemporary Issues in Education in Multicultural North” held in Levanger and Sjodal, Norway
- UNE to lead more than 200 institutions worldwide through UArctic Thematic Network on Ocean Food Systems
- Questionnaire about Arctic Connectivity
- Calotte Academy 2020 - First Call for Papers
- Book “Relate North: Collaborative Art, Design and Education" now published
- Call for abstracts for the Migration in the North 2020 Conference
- Call for Abstracts: Arctic Yearbook 2020
- Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Resources and Social Responsibility invites abstracts for the session at ICASS X
- Three New Thematic Networks established in 2019
- UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Resources and Social Responsibility represented at the Arctic Week 2019 in Paris
- Call for Abstracts: 13th Polar Law Symposium, Kobe, Japan, November 23-25, 2020
- Arctic Yearbook 2019: Redefining Arctic Security
- PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub December Newsletter now available
- "Living in the Landscape" International Summer Schools continue in June 2020, in Nordland, Norway
- Volume 7 of the Current Developments in Arctic Law is out!
- Online course in spring 2020 "Northern Tourism: Performances and Experiences"
- Call for Exhibition Proposals: ARCTIC MAKES Observations, Lessons And Solutions From The Geographic Periphery
- UAlberta scientist to lead new Thematic Network on Local-Scale Planning, Climate Change, and Resilience
- Reminder - Call for papers: The Role of Universities in Addressing Societal Challenges and Fostering Democracy: Inclusion, Migration, and Education for Citizenship
- Call for contributions for Relate North 2020 publication
- Arctic Art and Design Exhibition in Syktyvkar Komi, Russia
- A PhD study dedicated to the Influence of water systems on human health in Greenland was initiated this summer
- Funding has been granted for research workshops on Indigenous Pedagogy in Teacher Education
- Summit "Contemporary Issues in Education in Multicultural North" - Registration open
- Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design will have their 8th Symposium in Syktyvkar, Komi, Russia
- Successful funding decision for research project on inclusion and agency of young children
- The University Centre of the Westfjords receives Nordic Council of Ministers research grant on plastics
- Round table discussion "Do you speak my language?" - Speakers now published
- Call for participation - Model Arctic Council 2020
- Recording of the Webinar on Indigenous Language Education in Canada is now available
- International Summer School on Water and Sanitation in Cold Climates is Now Available as an Online Course
- Call for papers: The Role of Universities in Addressing Societal Challenges and Fostering Democracy: Inclusion, Migration, and Education for Citizenship
- News from the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Boreal Hub
- One Health, One Future Conference 2020
- UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education organizes a session “Do you speak my language?” in FERA conference
- Reminder - Call for papers: Current developments in Arctic Law, Vol. 7 (2019)
- The Final Workshop of Food (In)Security in the Arctic was held in Rovaniemi
- An Arctic Circle Assembly Pre-Event, October 9, 2019, Akureyri, Iceland
- Finnish-Japanese Summer School on Arctic Studies held at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
- Food (In)Security in the Arctic: The Final Project Workshop will be held in Rovaniemi on 26-27 August, 2019
- International Scientific and Practical Conference "HEALTH AS A RESOURCE: V2.0", September 26-27, 2019
- One Arctic - One Health: Project Report
- Book "Dieđut: Arctic Indigenous Peoples Food System – The role of traditional knowledge for sustainable development" nominated for two Gourmand awards
- Bridging thematic networks: Geopolitics & Security joins efforts with PEEX's Arctic-Boreal Hub
- News from the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Boreal Hub
- Newsletter of UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education published in new format
- Special issue of Synnyt Journal focusing on Arctic arts
- Arctic Arts Summit 2019 gathers arts and culture actors in Rovaniemi, Finland
- Invitation to contribute: “Immigration in the Circumpolar North: Integration & Resilience”
- 8th MARPART Conference “Maritime emergency response in the Arctic” - policies, capacities and competence
- Call for Papers: International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning (ICITL 2019)
- Edwin Ziegfeld Award to ASAD TN lead Timo Jokela
- The third Arctic5 workshop concluded the successful "Joint Online Master Course on the Arctic Inclusive Pedagogy" project
- President of Finland Sauli Niinistö is the patron of the Arctic Arts Summit 2019
- Arctic Tourism in Times of Change: Seasonality
- New publication about art-based research "Visually Provoking: Dissertations in Art Education"
- Book "Relate North: Art and Design for Education for Sustainability" now available
- Registration Open for Arctic Arts Summit 2019
- Task Force on Improved Connectivity in the Arctic (TFICA) Report: Improving Connectivity in the Arctic
- Programme of the event "Including the North: Indigenous Languages and Inclusion Policies in Education" at ASSW 2019 is now published
- Call for contributions: Relate North 2019 - Tradition and Innovation in Art and Design Education
- Beach debris research field trip conducted in Hólmavík, Iceland
- Recording of the webinar "Sustaining an endangered language through initial teacher education. The Māori language experience in New Zealand" now available
- "Food (in)Security in the Arctic: Contribution of Traditional and Local Food to promote Food Security with Particular Reference to the European High North" - Project Update
- Joint project on curriculum development for interdisciplinary Master’s program “STEP into Russian Arctic”
- Apply for Master's Course on Water Management in Cold Regions, June 28 - July 5, 2019, Tromsø, Norway
- Call for Abstracts: 12th Polar Law Symposium, Hobart, Australia, December 1-4, 2019
- UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education held a successful Conference "Developing an Inclusive School"
- UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education organizes a Webinar: "Sustaining an endangered language through initial teacher education"
- UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic WASH held a Master's course on the topic of Water Management in Cold regions
- UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education launched a new publication
- Researchers and industry shared their views at the world's first 6G Wireless Summit
- Call for Abstracts: Seminar "Problems and Perspectives of Social Responsibility in Natural Resources Exploration, Exploitation and Management"
- New Publication: Human Migration in the Arctic. The Past, Present, and Future
- Side event “Including the North: Indigenous Languages and Inclusion Policies in Education” at ASSW 2019
- Last Announcement for the International Arctic Summer School at Harbin, China
- International Conference ‘Blended Learning Strategies for the Circumpolar North’, June 4, 2019, Saskatchewan
- UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education releases a newsletter
- Five New UArctic Thematic Networks established in 2018
- Creating connections on north2north mobility funding
- Sustainable Tourism Development in the Nordic Arctic Project
- UArctic Board meets in Hanover, New Hampshire
- Thematic Network on Northern Nursing Education is working on a Greenlandic Model
- University of Alaska Fairbanks students and faculty in Model Arctic Council in Rovaniemi, Finland
- Harbin Institute of Technology announces an International Arctic Summer School for 2019
- Arctic Art and Design Exhibition at Helgeland Museum, Nesna, Norway
- Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design held their 7th Symposium in Nesna, Norway
- Application period opening for international master's degree programmes at University of Lapland
- DurhamARCTIC Summer School 25-28 April, 2019
- Call for Papers: ICE Law Final Conference 2019
- Thematic Network on Arctic Geology releases new webinar
- Polar Cooperation Research Centre hosts 4th annual International Symposium
- Thematic Network Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education teaches Finnish pedagogy in Lebanon
- Continuity or Reform? The Future of the Arctic Council
- The Model Arctic Council students make innovative Waves
- Arctic Yearbook 2018 published
- Thematic Network on Teacher Education hosts a webinar on Leading Change Towards Indigenising Academies
- Jacob Taarup-Esbensen from Copenhagen Business School went on a north2north mobility to Faroe Islands and Canada
- University of Lapland hosts Model Arctic Council 2018
- From Faroe Islands to Canada with north2north mobility funding
- Disturbing Tourism Season: Changing Demands, Changing Expectations Panel Discussion
- Thematic Network on Arctic Law Co-organized an Arctic Workshop in London
- A special edition of Education in the North has been published
- Arctic Arts Summit 2019
- Thematic Network on Teacher Education to develop a joint Online Study Course on Arctic Inclusive Pedagogy
- Thematic Network on Northern Nursing Education publish Open Education Resource
- UArctic EALÁT Institute is hosting a joint side-event at 2nd Arctic Biodiversity Congress in Rovaniemi
- 2nd Living in the Komi Landscape Exhibition opened in Komi National Library
- New programme to support Arctic research cooperation between Finland and Japan
- Registration open for Relate North 2018: Collaborative Art, Design and Education
- Arctic Entomology under Climate Change: highlights from the NOVA PhD course in Iceland 20-24 August 2018
- The joint initiative by APECS, Russian Arctic portal and TN “Working in the Arctic”
- "Rotational work - success and health" - a travelling psychological school at NArFU
- Human rights and multiple discrimination of minorities within the Sámi minority
- New PhD course in NOVA series: "Arctic Entomology under Climate Change"
- Made With Winter exhibition opened in Sami University of Applied Sciences, Kautokeino, Norway
- Muohtagi - Lumen kanssa - With Snow winter art course created new cultural methods in implementation of winter art
- UArctic Thematic Network Arctic Lingua invites to the International Methodological Seminar
- Call for participation - Model Arctic Council 2018
- Members of UArctic Thematic Network nominate Arctic Council for Nobel Peace Prize
- Journal of Ecotourism: Call for Papers - Sustainable Indigenous Tourism
- News from the UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education
- Call for Abstracts - 2018 Arctic Yearbook
- PhD Course on Research cohort, Reproduction and Population Trends across the Arctic
- UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education to become first Finnish UNESCO UNITWIN network
- Apply for the 15th International Summer School in Karelia (ISSK)
- Calotte Academy 2018 call for papers
- PhD course on Security, Geopolitics, and Governance Challenges in relation to Arctic Extractive Industries
- Call for contributions the 5th Relate North publication
- New project enhances labour opportunities for women in the Nordic countries
- 10th Polar Law Symposium discussed global and local governance of the Arctic and Antarctic
- Call for applications for international master's degree programmes at University of Lapland
- Symposium "Teacher Education of the Arctic region: Diversity and Identity in the North"
- UArctic Thematic Network Lead selected as Nansen Professor 2017-2018
- Book launch panel on Indigenous Sacred Sites by UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law
- UArctic representation at Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit conference
- Apply for two vacant junior researcher posts at the University of Lapland
- Relate North 2017 art and design symposium kicks off in Rovaniemi
- How do non-Arctic actors’ interests matter the Arctic? – debates around Arctic Circle assembly
- The 4th consecutive International Summer Course on Permafrost has concluded
- Northern perspective on tourism – University of Lapland launches a new master's degree programme
- Strengthening research and development work in rural Yakutia
- LLL Online Sessions at The 29th Congress of Nordic Historians
- Arctic Yearbook 2017 published
- Vacant PhD Position on Concepts of Arctic nature from East Asian perspectives
- Invitation to Contribute - OpenEd resource on Northern and Indigenous Health and Health Care
- Climate Change and Invasive Pest Threats in the North
- Open Online Seminar on Inuit Knowledge in a Teacher Education Program
- WRSA Remote Regions/Northern Development Sessions Call for Papers
- UArctic becomes UNESCO partner organization
- The Joint Master’s Program in Circumpolar Health and Well-being, the Memoirs of a Student
- UArctic organizing partner in High Altitudes Meet High latitudes: Globalizing Polar Issues
- Call for Abstracts: 6th International Polar Tourism Research Network Conference
- Extended call for abstracts for Education in the North Special Issue
- New Thematic Network to foster international research cooperation related to migration in the Arctic
- Symposium on teacher education in the Arctic, 27-28 Nov 2017 in Rovaniemi, Finland
- New publication on Russian laws on indigenous issues
- Arctic Extractive Industries Joint PhD and Master’s Course Location Change to Iceland
- Introducing the first UArctic Chair
- UArctic's Seven New Thematic Networks
- Press Release: Inaugural UArctic Chair
- Summer Institute for Circumpolar Health
- UArctic Student Ambassadors Reunite at 3rd Model Arctic Council Workshop
- Call for Participants: UArctic Thematic Network “Arctic Extractive Industries” Phd and Masters course
- 7th MARPART Conference “Competence Development within Maritime Preparedness in The High North”
- Open Calls for researchers in Polar Law Symposium and Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit
- Call for papers: Education in the North special issue
- Education and Healthcare - Arctic Broadband Forum Draws Attention to Shared Needs (Part 2)
- First Arctic Arts Summit organized in Harstad, Norway in June 2017 with Arctic Arts Festival
- Calotte Academy 2017 discusses perceptions of the Arctic
- 10th Polar Law Symposium 2017, Rovaniemi
- New publication: Current Developments in Arctic Law, vol 4
- Arctic Broadband Forum Draws Attention to Shared Needs (Part 1)
- UArctic renews agreement with the University of Oulu and welcomes new Vice-President Research Arja Rautio
- Visualizing Environmental Change exhibition opens in Tampere
- UArctic Instagram takeover at Week of the Arctic in Alaska
- UArctic Thematic Network on Social Work reactivating
- Master's and PhD course on Engaged Scholarship, Food Security and Sustainability in the Arctic
- Teacher education project receives SDWG endorsement
- Summer school in Arctic Health
- Online seminar: Diversity in Learning
- Delegation from Yakutia Region visits Alta
- Week of the Arctic 2017
- International Permafrost Summer Course in Fairbanks
- NEFU experts organized mentor sessions for efficiency improvement of education system in a rural community
- Interview with Jargal Badagarov - leader of a new Thematic Network
- Extended deadline for papers: Future of Winter Tourism 2017
- International Autumn School «Study of human working capacities in the Arctic»
- International Conference Gargia-Oktemtsy 2016. “Agricultural development in the northern territories of Russia”
- Joint intensive course of Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design Thematic network
- New publication visualizes environmental change through photography
- Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design RELATE NORTH Symposium
- Apply for Nature Tourism and Management PhD course
- Featured Arthropod: Gonatopus brooksi, Olmi 1984 (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae)
- Model Arctic Council 2017-2018 in Finland: Announcement and Survey
- New Thematic Network on Arctic Coastal Communities for Sustainability was presented in Stockholm
- Arctic Yearbook 2016: “The Arctic Council: 20 Years of Cooperation and Policy-Shaping”
- Visualizing Environmental Change exhibition moves to ULapland
- Working towards a new UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic migration
- Visit SubZero Collective‘s traveling exhibition at University of Oulu
- The 4th Arctic Circle Assembly in Iceland
- UArctic’s established Six New Thematic Networks
- First Call for Abstracts - The Arctic Broadband Forum 2017
- SubZero network’s traveling exhibition “Visualizing Environmental Change”
- 2nd symposium of TN Teacher Education
- Joint meeting of UArctic Rectors' Forum, Board and Thematic Networks
- New UArctic Thematic Network on Migration in the Arctic meets in Stockholm
- Permafrost/Natural Hazard Summer Field School, August 2016 in Yakutsk
- At the intersection of science and art – New Thematic Network webpages launched
- Graduate Field Course: Northern Tourism in Practice
- NeAT Initial Meeting Registration and Program
- Nordic-Russian Cooperation Program 2016 results announced
- NeAT Summer 2016 Campaigns
- Featured arthropod: Gynaephora groenlandica, Hübner, 1819
- Initial Meeting of the NeAT Network
- Calotte Academy 2016: Resilience related to Sustainable Development at focus
- Online Seminar: Education for Social Justice in Scotland, 20 June 2016
- Interview with Timo Jokela, the leader of “Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design” Thematic Network
- One semester master-level program in Nature and Health Science application deadline extended
- Extractive Industries PhD course in Newfoundland
- Arctic Extractive industries: interview with Florian Stammler
- Reducing spring flood impacts: an international project implemented by “Natural Hazards” Thematic Network
- Arctic Broadband Summit 13-14 July 2016
- Interview with Svein Johansen for UArctic Russian Newsletter
- Nursing in remote area a challenge worldwide
- Model Arctic Council, a rewarding experience
- Becoming a Research Scholar in Arctic Populations through a Networking Approach
- One semester master-level program in Nature and Health Science
- Apply by April 15 for International Permafrost/Natural Hazards Summer Field School
- UArctic invites proposals for new Thematic Networks by 1 May 2016
- Arctic Frontiers Emerging Leaders Programme 2016: Student Experience
- UArctic in pure diamonds: Report from Arctic Extractive Industries course in Mirny
- International Permafrost/ Natural Hazard Summer Field School in Yakutia, 2016
- Model Arctic Council concludes at ASSW16 in Fairbanks
- UArctic at ASSW 2016
- New publication from Arctic Extractive Industries Thematic Network
- Telecom Survey Results Show Interesting Mix of Needs Throughout the Arctic
- Specialization in Health and Environment in Greenland and the Arctic
- Book "Relate North: Art, Heritage & Identity" now published
- Relate North 2016: Call for contributions
- Reminder: Calotte Academy 2016
- 13th International Summer School in Karelia ISSK 2016, May 16-21, Petrozavodsk
- Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design in Anchorage, Alaska
- Arctic Design Week 2016 in Rovaniemi, Finland
- Current Developments in Arctic Law 2015 published
- Online Seminar on Indigenous Teaching & Education, 8 Feb 2016
- Answering Important Questions in Polar Ecology
- Announcement and Call for Abstracts: Natural Hazards Symposium
- Call for contributions to Relate North: Culture, Community and Communication
- Thematic Network on Teacher education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education Symposium
- Calotte Academy 2016 First Call
- 9th Circumpolar Agricultural Conference 2016
- Arctic Yearbook 2016 Call for Abstracts
- Thematic Network on Arctic Law visible in St. Petersburg’s legal forum
- Successful completion of the international project
- Course announcement for students: UArctic PhD and Masters Programme "Arctic Extractive Industries"- course in Yakutia 16-21 Feb 2016
- Thematic Network on Arctic Law establishes new sub-group: Philosophy of Law in the Arctic
- International Symposium on Emerging Arctic Legal Orders in Science, Environment and the Ocean
- Guidelines for establishing a new Thematic Network updated
- Survey on Telecommunications and Broadband Needs in the Arctic
- Northern Forum 12th General Assembly, Yakutsk, Russia, November 4- 6, 2015
- Deadline Extended - Apply now for Model Arctic Council 2016
- Timo Koivurova named as Director of ULapland's Arctic Centre
- The 2015 edition of the Arctic Yearbook is now online
- Beyond - Discovering the spatial scale of society-nature coevolution
- Arctic Law Thematic Network Active in the Arctic Circle October 16th-18th
- UArctic Congress 2016 - Call for Session Proposals Open
- ICE LAW Project on Indeterminate and Changing Environments: Law, the Anthropocene, and the World
- Yakutsk scientists took part in the international seminar "The imagination of the North" in Canada
- Great example of collaboration in northern tourism - Thematic Network meeting in Alta
- New master degree program in Social Science at University of Nordland, Norway
- Arctic Council Kicks-Off Task Force to Examine State of Telecommunications in the Arctic
- The Arctic Yearbook launch, October 16th
- New member of Thematic Network “Working in the Arctic”
- International Arctic Workshop on Online Case Based Learning
- Registration Now Open for ASSW 2016
- NeAT Summer 2015 Campaigns
- Featured Arthropod: Aedes nigripes (Diptera: Culicidae)
- Seminar Making Cultural Heritage Online: Lars Levi Laestadius, Tromsø, 29-30 October 2015
- UArctic Days at the University of Eastern Finland
- Save the Date - UArctic Congress 2016
- Thematic Network on Northern Nursing Education launches new web pages
- Eighth Polar Law Symposium Concludes in Alaska
- The first issue of the "Arctic art and culture" magazine
- Funding awarded to Arctic Tourism Project
- Upcoming Circumpolar Innovation Workshop in Canada
- School projects in Siberia examine permafrost
- Professor Heininen honored with the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa of Petrozavodsk State University
- Security and sustainable development were discussed at NArFU
- Arctic Geology field trip took place in Russia, summer 2015
- Invitation to contribute: Special issue on Extreme Epidemiology for Public Health
- Innovative Learning Institute on Circumpolar Health takes place in NEFU
- Apply for Extractive Industries PhD course in Sept 2015, Fairbanks, Alaska
- Featured Arthropod: Pardosa glacialis
- Help Create an Invertebrate Herbivory Protocol
- Permafrost Summer Field School was held in Svalbard, Norway, June 2015
- UArctic Welcomes Six New Thematic Networks
- 8th Polar Law Symposium, 23-26 September 2015, Alaska
- Gargia-Oktemtsy-2015 Conference on Sustainable Development of the Northern Territories
- Six new Thematic Networks approved at 18th meeting of the Council of UArctic
- Open Seminar on Indigenous Education in the Arctic
- In the Spirit of the Rovaniemi process 2015: Local and Global Arctic Conference, 24-26 November
- Call for Relate North 2015 – Culture, Community & Communication: Symposium & Art Exhibition
- Security and resource (geo)politics at focus in the Calotte Academy 2015
- Life-changing experiences in the North – Testimonials from young UArctic researchers
- IASSA spring/summer 2015 newsletter
- UArctic Day at the University of Oulu
- Field courses offered by Thematic Network on Arctic Geology
- Course announcement: Business Practice in Norway, 2–8 August 2015, University of Nordland
- NRF at ICARP III in Toyama, Japan on 29th of April 2015
- Calotte Academy 2015: Resources and Security in the Globalized Arctic, May 31 – June 7, 2015
- UArctic Board meets in Longyearbyen, Svalbard
- UArctic Research Liaison strengthens with new team members
- Thematic Networks brainstormed joint research
- Newsletter from Thematic Network on Social Work
- Thematic Network on Arctic Law meets in Rovaniemi
- Final Reminder: Arctic Yearbook 2015 Call for Abstracts
- Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design Thematic Network meets in Rovaniemi
- Arctic Design Week 2015 begins in Rovaniemi, Finland
- New report available: “What Crisis? Global lessons from Norway for managing energy-based economies”
- Eighth Polar Law Symposium, Alaska
- Two field courses on innovations in aquaculture and marine resources, UWestfjords, March-April 2015
- Proceedings of the 8th Circumpolar Agricultural Conference & University of the Arctic Inaugural Food Summit
- Summer School on Circumpolar Health: Focus on Future Health and Wellbeing, June 6-8, 2015 in Oulu, Finland
- International Bachelor Permafrost Summer Field School, 12 June-3 July 2015, UNIS, Longyearbyen, Svalbard
- Extended abstract deadline and two PhD courses - 16th International Congress on Circumpolar Health
- New publication available online: Current Developments in Arctic Law, volume 2
- Thematic Network on Social Work: interview with a researcher
- New open online course on Circumpolar Innovation offered by USask
- Arctic Yearbook 2015 call for abstracts
- New eBook available: Sustainable Development in the Circumpolar North - From Tana, Norway to Oktemtsy, Yakutia, Russia
- Business and community development in Avjuvarri Indigenous Region
- News from the Thematic Network on Environmental Impact Assessment of Industry Contaminated Areas
- Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design Exhibition in Kautokeino, Norway
- New book on art and design from the northern perspective
- Workshop and course in Neryungri, Yakutsk, Russia this week
- Arctic Yearbook 2014 launched
- The seventh Polar Law Symposium took place near the other Pole
- The launch of “Russian Strategies in the Arctic: Avoiding a New Cold War”
- Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security’s Panel on Security of the Arctic
- Ten days in Sisimut planning the research proposal on remediation of mine sites and contaminated areas
- The initiation of new Thematic Network: Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainable Arctic natural resource development
- The EU in the Arctic, the Arctic in the EU
- Linking the UArctic Thematic Network with a new exciting partner in Greenland
- Guest lecturing on the Russian Arctic at the University of the Faroe Islands
- Arctic Networking and Storytelling Event October 13